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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-27 11:35



热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 09:53

I couldn't remember when I saw the film the first time, it's years ago now, but I fell in love with this movie. I fell in love with the poetry, I fell in love with the characters, the story, the beautiful music and pictures. I always wish I had such an inspiring teacher like Mr. Keating (played by Robin Williams) And I always wish I found such nice boys out there. The ending is so powerful. This movie gave me so often the strenght to carry on when I'm down. All actors did a great, great job. Don't believe the critics! The movie is not perfect, OK. But I don't know a perfect movie anyway. This movie was wrong interpreted so often. Especially the suicide of one of the boys. But if you look carefully you see there is an answer against all the points which are criticized. For example: It's not true that there are only bad alts in this movie. I divide into the opinion that Neil's father is the reason why he kills himself. Neil's father want the best ecation and the best job for his son. He couldn't show his love - and he loves his son - in a better way. He never wanted that this happened. The way he treat his son make Neil so desperate that he thinks his only way out is to kill himself. Maybe it's the fact that I hate authority for me conformity is a very bad thing. Therefore for me it's not intolerant that they have to rip out the meaning of Mr. Dr. of Philosophy because it is true, you couldn't judge poetry and art in general like charts. Everybody who believe this deserves to be ripped out of a book, because a person thinking in such small boxes is the one person which is really intolerant. Keating tell the boys that it's good to be a lawyer, doctor or something like this. He don't't want them to be romantics. But he also told them that beauty and love gave a meaning to this life. So if you haven't seen this movie until yet go and get it and make up your mind, follow your own thoughts, even if the others think you are a jerk, but also be open for a different view and that's really the message Keating wants to taught the kids and more important than the beautiful poetry which is a bigger part of the movie than some people say.

热心网友 时间:2023-09-15 09:53

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