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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-20 02:00



热心网友 时间:2023-09-29 17:43

applicant letter

Responsible person:
Thank you very much for your busy schele to review my resume! That your company is a very powerful promising company is recruiting talents to join, so I write this resume, sincerely hope to work in your company, hope to be able to work in the Android Software development. My name is Xiao Ming, studying in XX University, the professional computer science and Technology (software development), the professional opened Photoshop, design and analysis of algorithms, data structures, Java programming language design, 3D game engine, JSP programming, C, C + +, etc., many doors about being engaged in the Android software development course. I usually study hard, self-learning ability, so I have confidence to be competent for the development of Android software. In today's fierce competition, I believe that only the full development of the professional knowledge and skilled personnel, to meet the needs of social development and the needs of the employing units. So ring the University, in the school of professional knowledge, I pay more attention to practice in the computer, and insist on writing code every day, reading about the professional books, improve the professional level. Hope that through my this letter to apply for a job, can make you have a more in-depth understanding of my, I would like to with great enthusiasm and sense of responsibility into your company, for the company's development and expansion of a force. Finally, I wish the cause of your company more on a floor, all the staff healthy progress. Sincerely!



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