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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-28 23:13



热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 02:05

If he loves me, he will never let me go
should I never give me pay the sorrow, lonely tomorrow

love is forever, forever heard to swallow
when love grows old that's no where else to go
that's no return or time to borrow, no easy way to save your soul
don't you believe, never believe
when they say love would kill your sorrow
over love to realize
so love is just a lie
but you believe, still you believe
love is would never say goodbye, until you hear him say goodbye

If you love him, you should never let him go
Should I never ever give him sorrow
just in tomorrow

in the here the passion in the night, who could see your love you saw the night
it's the time you borrow before set tomorrow

don't you believe, never believe
when they say love would kill your sorrow
over love to realize so love is just a lie
but you believe, still you believe
love is would never say goodbye
until you hear him say goodbye
until you hear his last goodbye


热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 02:05

If their Love, Why they need to divide, If divide, On beging why they call Love, If their no divide, So why Love can't continue?

热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 02:06


热心网友 时间:2022-06-25 02:07

love is forever, forever heard to swallow
when love grows old that's no where else to go
that's no return or time to borrow, no easy way to save your soul
don't you believe, never believe
when they say love would kill your sorrow
over love to realize
so love is just a lie
but you believe, still you believe
love is would never say goodbye, until you hear him say goodbye

If you love him, you should never let him go
Should I never ever give him sorrow
just in tomorrow

in the here the passion in the night, who could see your love you saw the night
it's the time you borrow before set tomorrow

don't you believe, never believe
when they say love would kill your sorrow
over love to realize so love is just a lie
but you believe, still you believe
love is would never say goodbye
until you hear him say goodbye
until you hear his last goodbye
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