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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 17:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-16 18:36

The exprientment of studying linguistics

As many junior hight school student,i have contect with English for serveral years,so the studying linguistics impressd me deeply.i have some feeling about learnning english to share with you.

First,learning english is a important thing to people who live in 21th century,because it likes a door to the world where we use the english as a common language.if we want to communicate with others in other parts of the world fluenqently,we have familiarly control the tool.no mater you do business or make friend with foreigner.in a short,mastering the english is conecting the world.

second ,i still have some experiment of enjoying learning english,on the one hand,you will get it when you love it,as we know the interesting is the best mother,so we should culture our interesting of english,we can watch Ost movies or swiming in the west music on our way to the destination.on the other hand,insistion is the key too forever about everything.

so i think we can arrive the conculsion, we should form the custom of learning english which is signify to our life,then read more some regular medias,or do
more communication with west friends who are also expect making friends with you,in a world more exercises more better. above
is my opinion of studying linguistics . Thank you very much
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