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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 17:51



热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 07:47

Accrual concept is the core of modern financial accounting content. Based on the accrual basis of accounting in different studies and the significance of the main limitations of its own research, come to the accrual and cash basis must be matched and used in order to ensure the authenticity and reliability of accounting Conclusions.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 07:47

Accrual concept is the core of modern financial accounting content. Based on the accrual basis of accounting in different studies and the significance of the main limitations of its own research, come to the accrual and cash basis must be matched and used in order to ensure the authenticity and reliability of accounting Conclusions。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 07:48

The accrual of modern financial accounting concept is the core content. This article through to the accrual of different accounting entity in the study of meaning and its own limitation research, it is concluded that the accrual basis must be combined with use and expenditure accounting system can ensure reliability and authenticity of the conclusion.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-26 07:48


how do we break through the shackles of the traditional concept of rationality to accept the legal protection .


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We tried to travel around the whole country.We tried to exercise every day consistently.But it's too easy for us to give up due to the difficulty of taking real actions.Sometimes in life,We need to put ourselves in really desperate situations in order to feel the overexcitement...


family members have bad habits is a common factor in the adverse effects of the other parents on the child's emotional expression, first, over-indulgent, every good wish for the children, when parents thought it was the love child , did not consider the effect of depriving the ...


无法约束日益市场化和分散化的经济个体的行为。在这样的背景下,Can't restrain increasingly market-oriented and diversified economic individual behavior. Under such a background,各国也益发喜欢依靠经济手段来保护环境,环境税作为一种基于市场的管制工具,Countries also became like rely on economic ...


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Jeff, do you mean that we should first make 200 samples for you?Here I sent the prices of these styles to your company:The price of the first three is about 17 yuan each and prices of the other two are 14 yuan and 12.5 yuan respectively. However, please be reminded ...

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the management by objectives ,the institutionalized evaluation measure,multi-angleand all-round methods of assessment and the setting of assessment deadline ect.At the end of the article ,the author put forward the corresponding constructive improvements according to its diaadvantage,...

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