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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 17:00



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 09:20

A Beautiful Rooster
旁白:Long long ago,there was a big rooster.He thought himself very beautiful.He sang all day happily.
R:Rooster Rooster,beautiful,beautiful.
red head nice coat,very nice coat.
旁白:one day,Mr rooster had full breankfast and sang proudly.when he came to a tall tree .
R:good morning,miss bird.
B:oh it's you,Mr rooster,good morning.
Ryou have a long mouht and grey feather.please come down.let's see who is more beautiful,you or
B:sorry,Mr rooster.Ihave no time to do that.
R:what are you doing,Miss bird?
B:some worms are eating the big thee.I must kill them.
旁白:the rooster went away.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 09:20

A Beautiful Rooster
旁白:Long long ago,there was a big rooster.He thought himself very beautiful.He sang all day happily.
R:Rooster Rooster,beautiful,beautiful.
red head nice coat,very nice coat.
旁白:one day,Mr rooster had full breankfast and sang proudly.when he came to a tall tree .
R:good morning,miss bird.
B:oh it's you,Mr rooster,good morning.
Ryou have a long mouht and grey feather.please come down.let's see who is more beautiful,you or
B:sorry,Mr rooster.Ihave no time to do that.
R:what are you doing,Miss bird?
B:some worms are eating the big thee.I must kill them.
旁白:the rooster went away.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 09:20

A Beautiful Rooster
旁白:Long long ago,there was a big rooster.He thought himself very beautiful.He sang all day happily.
R:Rooster Rooster,beautiful,beautiful.
red head nice coat,very nice coat.
旁白:one day,Mr rooster had full breankfast and sang proudly.when he came to a tall tree .
R:good morning,miss bird.
B:oh it's you,Mr rooster,good morning.
Ryou have a long mouht and grey feather.please come down.let's see who is more beautiful,you or
B:sorry,Mr rooster.Ihave no time to do that.
R:what are you doing,Miss bird?
B:some worms are eating the big thee.I must kill them.
旁白:the rooster went away.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 09:20

A Beautiful Rooster
旁白:Long long ago,there was a big rooster.He thought himself very beautiful.He sang all day happily.
R:Rooster Rooster,beautiful,beautiful.
red head nice coat,very nice coat.
旁白:one day,Mr rooster had full breankfast and sang proudly.when he came to a tall tree .
R:good morning,miss bird.
B:oh it's you,Mr rooster,good morning.
Ryou have a long mouht and grey feather.please come down.let's see who is more beautiful,you or
B:sorry,Mr rooster.Ihave no time to do that.
R:what are you doing,Miss bird?
B:some worms are eating the big thee.I must kill them.
旁白:the rooster went away.
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