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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 14:43



热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 07:23

Dear Mr. Ambassador,

I had submitted my application for visa to the United Kingdom on July 27th at your embassy here in Beijing. I am writing this letter as I still have not received my visa, and I am wondering if any materials are missing.
My courses start at September 14th, but I would like to have some time before then to adjust to a new environment and a new language. Aside to these considerations, I would also need the visa to precede other necessary preparations. Please check my application, I would be happy to assist any further questions you have.


还有, 你要把你的application里的information给他,例如passport number, 申请什么visa 之类的.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 07:23

应该是On July 27 I have submitted the material applying for the United Kingdom visa's, but come to nothing so far in Beijing. But, many visas applying for person having gained submitting material even on 28th in July 27 , I feel anxious a little bit now. Because of I want to be advanced for a moon (August 15) although my Master course is the beginning of the term on September 14, get rid of the school language course around going ahead , adapt to entire the English teaching as soon as possible. Only having gained a visa , can, buy in time and, I, air-ticket waits. Therefore, inviting United Kingdom the embassy helps the visa that I arrange to bring me to trial as soon as possible. (Rough meaning translates from the being able to , to the full tactful a few , thanks coming out)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 07:24








热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 07:24

I July 27 at the time, in Beijing, the United Kingdom visa applications submitted materials, but so far no results. And many in the July 27 or 28 applicants who submitted materials are generally accepted by the visa, I am a little anxious now.
Because, despite my master's degree course is September 14 in the school, but I think one month in advance (August 15) to the school language courses around, to adapt to the whole teaching of English. Moreover, I have only received a visa in order to a timely manner, such as the purchase of air tickets.
Therefore, the British Embassy as soon as possible please help me to hear my visa arrangements.
Chinese citizens.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-12 07:25

To whom it may concern,

I (你的名字)handed in the visa application form and documents on 27th July in Beijing, but have not got any reply yet. Lots other applicants who handed applications in on 27th and 28th of July have already got their visas, so I am a bit anxious now. Although my Masters course starts on 14th of September, I would like to get there one month early ( 15, Aug) to have 4 weeks to study English, so I could get used to the English language environment quickly. Also, I need visa to book the air ticket.

So, if possible, could I please be given an update on my visa application?
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