发布时间:2022-04-29 16:23
时间:2022-05-31 03:42
定义:国际商务专业旨在培养拥护党的方针*,面向国际市场,具有开阔的视野,扎实的国际商务理论、实务和国际商法基础,基本掌握国际法规、国际惯例,并能较熟练地应用国际法规、外语开展商务活动的,法商结合的、复合型、应用型人才。使学生能在*公司、涉外经济贸易部门、外资企业、*机构从事实际商务业务、商务活动策划、国际企业管理、法律咨询、*研究等工作。培养目标 本专业旨在培养具有开阔的视野,扎实的国际商务理论、实务和国际商法基础,能较熟练地应用国际法规、外语开展商务活动的复合型、应用型人才。
培养要求 本专业要求掌握马克思主义经济基本理论和方法;西方经济学、国际经济学的理论和方法;国际商事活动的基本知识和基本技能;国际市场营销的本领;能运用计量、统计、分析方法进行分析和研究;了解国际经济学、国际贸易理论发展的动态;了解主要国家和地区的经济发展情况及其贸易*和发展动态;了解中国的经济*和法规发展动态;能够熟练地掌握商务英语,具有听、说、读、写、译的基本能力;能利用计算机和其他经济分析工具从事涉外经济工作。
主要课程 专业英语、管理学理论、微观经济学、宏观经济学、会计学、国际经济学、财政管理、国际营销学、国际金融、国际贸易法、货币银行学、国际营销学、中国对外贸易等必修课程,以及西方经济史、国际商务英语、国际金融实务、国际贸易实务、发展经济学、 国际商务谈判、国际商务礼仪、外贸管理法、国际税法、*公司、人力资源管理、国际经济合作、国际投资法、电子商务、中国对外贸易、WTO专题、证券市场概论、财税法、国际贸易法、国际金融法、国际信贷与结算、欧洲联盟法、国际技术转让、商业伦理、心理学、社会学、海商法、审计学与审计法、公共关系学、合同法、公司法、组织行为学等选修课程。
专业特色 本专业要求掌握马克思主义经济基本理论和方法;西方经济学、国际经济学的理论和方法;国际商事活动的基本知识和基本技能;市场营销的本领;能运用计量、统计、分析方法进行分析和研究;了解国际经济学、国际贸易理论发展的动态;了解主要国家和地区的经济发展情况及其贸易*和发展动态;了解我国的经济*和法规发展动态;能够熟练地掌握商务英语会话,具有听、说、读、写、译的基本能力;能利用计算机和其他经济分析工具从事涉外经济工作。
就业方向 本专业学生具有法商结合的知识结构,理论知识扎实,并有较强的实际操作能力和用外语进行商务沟通的能力,适于在*公司、外向型企业和外资企业等从事国际商务活动的商务代表、国际商务师及国际化经营的高级管理人才;或者在涉外经济贸易部门及*机构从事对外经营管理、*法规制定与实施,以及国际化商务活动策划的综合性高级专门人才。
发展前景 随着中国加入世界贸易组织的脚步越来越近,对专门从事进出口贸易的专业人才的需求也会越来越大。近来,面向这方面人才的外销员资格考试逐渐成为人们关注的热点。记者从有关部门了解到,以往局限于外贸行业内部的这一资格考试,今年已面向全社会展开,“入世”使考外销员有可能像考“律考”、考会计证一样,成为一种新的时尚。
时间:2022-05-31 05:00
What Are Some Reasons to Chose a College Major in International Business?
Business is the most popular major of students entering into university. The International Business major is designed for student with an interest in not only fundamental concepts in business but also in other cultures and languages. Most International Business degree programs require competency in at least one foreign language.
International Business begins where traditional business and foreign cultures intersect. A person with an interest in International Business must also have a keen interest in other countries and their languages and cultures. Without the knowledge of another culture and its language, true success in International Business will always be severely limited. Some reasons for choosing a college major in International Business include travel, cultural opportunities and varying perspectives.TravelStudents majoring in International Business are especially intrigued by the idea of traveling to other countries. The International Business degree program is designed to open up students' horizons and expose them to possibilities in business outside the United States. In fact, many International Business degree programs require that students spend at least one semester studying abroad. This experience is good for the student because he or she can see some of the possibilities that exist upon graation.Learning About Other CulturesStudents enrolled in an International Business degree program are required to learn at least one foreign language. They also have the option to take additional elective classes that cover the history and culture of a particular country of interest. This learning may also be compounded by a semester spent studying abroad. Successful graates of an International Business degree program should have a genuine interest in other cultures to be successful.Different PerspectivesWith a degree in International Business a student will learn to appreciate perspectives that may differ from his or her own. For example, issues related to business will be examined from multiple points of view. Successful business meetings, transactions or agreements depend on International Business graates understanding all sides of the issue, especially that of the person they want to deal with.