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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-29 17:31



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19


My dream is to be a painter when I grow up. The reason why I want to be a painter is because I especially like painting.


Whenever I see beautiful natural scenery and moving scenes outside, my mood is particularly excited.


I really want to draw these down, so that these beautiful pictures will exist in my heart forever in the future.


Every time I come back from a painting exhibition, I will be happy for a long time.


Sometimes there is a painting exhibition in the school, and I have to participate in it. Although the painting is not very good, I will draw with my heart.


I know it takes a lot to be a painter. So from now on, I must make up my mind and study hard so that I can make progress in painting.


I think: as long as I work hard, I will be able to draw well, and my dream will come true.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19


My dream is to be a painter when I grow up. The reason why I want to be a painter is because I especially like painting.


Whenever I see beautiful natural scenery and moving scenes outside, my mood is particularly excited.


I really want to draw these down, so that these beautiful pictures will exist in my heart forever in the future.


Every time I come back from a painting exhibition, I will be happy for a long time.


Sometimes there is a painting exhibition in the school, and I have to participate in it. Although the painting is not very good, I will draw with my heart.


I know it takes a lot to be a painter. So from now on, I must make up my mind and study hard so that I can make progress in painting.


I think: as long as I work hard, I will be able to draw well, and my dream will come true.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19

Everyone has a dream, and I want to go to when a painter.
I want to draw the fish in the water happily swimming, I want to draw birds red free fly in the sky, I want to draw a pair of lovers, a plum blossom.
Dream is ubiquitous, but how many people can really realize dream?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19


My dream is to be a painter when I grow up. The reason why I want to be a painter is because I especially like painting.


Whenever I see beautiful natural scenery and moving scenes outside, my mood is particularly excited.


I really want to draw these down, so that these beautiful pictures will exist in my heart forever in the future.


Every time I come back from a painting exhibition, I will be happy for a long time.


Sometimes there is a painting exhibition in the school, and I have to participate in it. Although the painting is not very good, I will draw with my heart.


I know it takes a lot to be a painter. So from now on, I must make up my mind and study hard so that I can make progress in painting.


I think: as long as I work hard, I will be able to draw well, and my dream will come true.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19

Everyone has a dream, and I want to go to when a painter.
I want to draw the fish in the water happily swimming, I want to draw birds red free fly in the sky, I want to draw a pair of lovers, a plum blossom.
Dream is ubiquitous, but how many people can really realize dream?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19

Everyone has a dream, and I want to go to when a painter.
I want to draw the fish in the water happily swimming, I want to draw birds red free fly in the sky, I want to draw a pair of lovers, a plum blossom.
Dream is ubiquitous, but how many people can really realize dream?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19


My dream is to be a painter when I grow up. The reason why I want to be a painter is because I especially like painting.


Whenever I see beautiful natural scenery and moving scenes outside, my mood is particularly excited.


I really want to draw these down, so that these beautiful pictures will exist in my heart forever in the future.


Every time I come back from a painting exhibition, I will be happy for a long time.


Sometimes there is a painting exhibition in the school, and I have to participate in it. Although the painting is not very good, I will draw with my heart.


I know it takes a lot to be a painter. So from now on, I must make up my mind and study hard so that I can make progress in painting.


I think: as long as I work hard, I will be able to draw well, and my dream will come true.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19

Everyone has a dream, and I want to go to when a painter.
I want to draw the fish in the water happily swimming, I want to draw birds red free fly in the sky, I want to draw a pair of lovers, a plum blossom.
Dream is ubiquitous, but how many people can really realize dream?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19


My dream is to be a painter when I grow up. The reason why I want to be a painter is because I especially like painting.


Whenever I see beautiful natural scenery and moving scenes outside, my mood is particularly excited.


I really want to draw these down, so that these beautiful pictures will exist in my heart forever in the future.


Every time I come back from a painting exhibition, I will be happy for a long time.


Sometimes there is a painting exhibition in the school, and I have to participate in it. Although the painting is not very good, I will draw with my heart.


I know it takes a lot to be a painter. So from now on, I must make up my mind and study hard so that I can make progress in painting.


I think: as long as I work hard, I will be able to draw well, and my dream will come true.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 00:19

Everyone has a dream, and I want to go to when a painter.
I want to draw the fish in the water happily swimming, I want to draw birds red free fly in the sky, I want to draw a pair of lovers, a plum blossom.
Dream is ubiquitous, but how many people can really realize dream?

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