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发布网友 发布时间:2023-11-04 08:26



热心网友 时间:2024-06-30 16:14

1 One thousand US Dollars from the target amount
2 Ten Days from the target day!
3 The target amount is One thousand US Dollars
4 The target days are ten days.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-30 16:14

There are 1000 dollars from the target value.
Days and target for 10 days.
Target the amount of $1000.
Target number for 10 days.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-30 16:15

1 there are 1000 dollars from the target value.
2 days away from goal and 10 days.
Goal 3 amount of $1000.
Goal 4 days for 10 days

热心网友 时间:2024-06-30 16:15

1. Away from the target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars there.

2. There are days away from the goal of 10 days.

3. The target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars.

4. The target number of days for 10 days.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-30 16:16

It still has 1000 dollars from the aim of the money.
It has 10 days from the aim of the days.
The aim of the money is 1000 dollars.
The aim of the days is 10 days.

热心网友 时间:2024-06-30 16:17

Also from the target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars
There are days away from the target 10 days
The target amount of 1000 U.S. dollars
The target number of days for 10 days

4 The target days are ten days.

中文翻英文 请高手进来帮帮我 非常紧急 紧急!!!可再加分 禁止翻译软件...

可再加分 禁止翻译软件 用中文又写了篇文章(其实之前有发问过翻译过)可是那只是大网而已这次是完整版的文章希望有会英语的可以尽量帮我翻成简单二要的句子不必要太艰深我的英文节录英文句子的地方不必翻感谢... 用中文又写了篇文章 (其实之前有发问过 翻译过) 可是那只是大网而已 这次是完整版的文章希望有...




The world is too big therefore I met you 世界太大还是遇见你 The world is too small therefore I lost you 世界太小还是丢了你 That words have been hidden in the bottom of my heart. No one would like to listen from now on.那句话一直藏在心底 从此我还能说给谁听 Those pasts,...


classmates, I get more knowledge, make my achievement has made great progress. So, I thank you very much to help the teachers and students and parents. So, I wish the students and teachers can always healthy, and common progress. And I wish to learn to be more successful....


the new product minor batches in being advanced in December , 2006 going round laboratory to be in progress trial-produces, I have mimicked deeper cognition having arrived at much's knowledge, and the childbirth to PET has had in there.在生产时负责向反应釜内投放原料(对苯二甲酸、...


堕落的灵魂 Sends into exile, degenerates soul 3:请拯救我 : Please save me 4:遥不可及的光明 Distant bright 5:原本我不敢去奢望 I do not dare wild hope 6:现在请带我逃离阴暗 Now please take me from the dark 7:拜托,拯救这片灵魂 Asks, to save this piece of soul ...


~那么我说一下我自己的看法,多看原声电影啊,基础不好可以先看有中文字幕的,多听英文歌曲!还有多听英文磁带!Here I want to present my own idea. That is to watch more foreign movies with their original language. If you are not well trained, subtitles could also be optional. ...


A woman, she is very fat, she always buy clothes, she wanted to have a nice clothes. One day, she went shopping for clothes for her, assistant recommend a blue skirt, this is a beautiful and fashionable dress, she liked it, but it's too small for her. Salesman and give...


我每天入睡前都回味一遍这部电影,尽管分很少,但这个忙我帮定你了 The Beauty and the Beast There was a beautiful girl named Belle lived happily with her father in a little provincial town. But then one winter's night, her father got lost on his way to a fair. And intruded in ...

能把英文翻译成中文的软件 怎么能把英文软件翻译成中文 微信能把中文翻译成英文吗 怎么样能把英文音乐翻译成中文 你能讲英文吗翻译成英文 我能说你是我的吗翻译成英文 你能写中文吗翻译成英语 WPS能英文翻译中文吗 能看懂中文吗英文翻译
...把其中任意三面分上、中、下挂在旗杆上表示不同信号,一共可以组成... 质能转换爱因斯坦的形象比喻 质能转换基本概念 如何制作美味的抹茶冰激凌? 在淘宝网上开游戏卡和手机充值卡的店怎么寻找货源?O(∩_∩)O谢谢 ...它们的直径的比是( ),周长的比是( ),面积的比是( )? 很急啊!_百度... ...比是5比3,半径比是多少,直径比是多少,面积比是多少,你发现了什么... ...周长比是5比3,半径比是(),直径比是(),面积比是()。 鸡肝煮多长时间 ...是5:3,他们的直径比是(),周长比是(),面积比是(),他们的周长与自己半... 谁能帮我把中文翻译成英文啊 什么是负离子,它的作用机理是什么? 为什么别人的手机超级会员只要20,我的就需要25呢? 开通腾讯视频怎么25块 腾讯视频VIP会员开通,在电脑上开通每月只要15元,在手机上...1 为什么手机上25,电脑上只要20?是区分手机和电脑的吗,电脑...1 腾讯好莱坞会员,网站20元一月,手机客户端25一月。有什么区...1 安徽和江苏哪个离青岛近2 为什么移动开通会员要贵5块钱2 ...演讲比赛设123等奖,获1,2等奖的人数占获奖人数的5分之2,获2,3等... 别人赠送的东西,也写了字据,对方现在反悔了,怎么办? word图片与标注文字位置锁定? 怎么取消银行卡和信用卡自动还款6 怎样在word中锁定图片10 图片这个锁图标是什么意思1 我想注册一个怎么注册442 申请一个新的需要什么条件?160 申请怎么申请4 怎么样申请一个 我有一个了,还想再申请一个微信账号,怎么申请呢?10 从法律上来说,求婚时候送的戒指,如果一方反悔了,戒指可以要回来吗?_百 ... 良和堂医药有限公司怎么样?1 杭州和剂堂医药有限公司怎么样? 800006900这个数怎么读?34 梦见自己被狗咬 代表什么?16 江畔独步寻花( 这首诗写的是哪里)2 2醋酸布料好还是3醋酸好? 谁能帮我鉴定下这双鞋的真假? 餐厅辞职信怎么写最简单165 谁能帮我鉴定一双鞋真假,谢谢! 合肥与青岛这两个城市哪个比较好?生活环境和生活水平这两个城市...28 江苏浙江山东湖北这几个省里,离合肥比较近的城市有哪些?或者直... 为什么很多香港电影里外地人说的话都是上海话25 ...二,三,等奖,其中一,二等奖的人数占获奖总人数的5/9,获2.2等奖的人 ... 用上海话讲的电影,不是配音的那种1 如何评价《南京,南京,》这部电影3 南京南京到底是一部怎样的电影25 受不了南方的菜为什么要这么甜1 我最近觉得菜带甜味但别人都没有觉得是怎么了 很多人说南方菜很甜 为什么南方人胖的少