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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 19:51



热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 05:24

The pictures shown in the report returned by the clients indicate that SN4 and SN5 were mainly caused by jointing abnormity.In picture SN4, there were many scaling powder around U1, it's an obvious sign of plicating work.
The container U1 is sticked up by machine and there hasn't any abnormal problems about the opennings of the steel mesh mat, there are few via holes in the corresponding bonding pad of PCB and they were linked to the ground hole in the middle.We assumed that it may be the lossing of tin in the process of fluid welding that caused rosin joint.
lossing reason:
The rosin joint problem is now mainly checked by manpower,so the negligence of human may cause the defective procts out.
No stock procts and online procts
1.remove the via hole in the correspond bonding pad of PCB,prvent the tin from lossing, at the same time, add some mark points to make sure that the stick can be done correctly
2.optimize the opennings in the steel mesh mat(By increse the length of the bonding pads that have via holes correspond with the opennings of the steel mesh mat, to get the effect of making up for tin)
3.train the emploees on checking rosin joint and unsysmetic on and around U1, and add this to the rule of checking
4.Test as the way that is provided by the client before shipment
stategy valid

热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 05:24


Root cause:
The root cause of the customer complaint has identified as improper manual soldering, as a high amount of solder flux is observed around the U1 of picture SN4, there is significant trace of touching up manually.
The U1 was auto mounted in proction, the stencil aperture is also found no issue. however, few of the via hole was found connected to the grounding hole at the central of PCB, this could result insufficient ring reflwo.
We are currently performing visual inspection for nonwetting issue, operation error caused escape.
No Finished goods or WIP on hand
1. Remove the via hole to avoid solder paste flow away, relay the reference point (参考点有不同叫法)
2. Optimize the stencil by larger the aperture
3. Enhance operator ability to capture the nonwetting or misalignment, especially components around U1. update work instruction accordingly
4. Perform testing by follow customer requirement.

热心网友 时间:2024-03-01 05:25

Cause of fault :
According to photos SN4 & SN5 included in the client's analysis feedback report , it is apparent that the fault lies in the soldering process. In photo SN4, it shows excessive soldering flux around U1 as it had been re-processed﹒
U1 is surface mounted on to the pcb and there is no apparent defect in the SM stencil . Therefore , the above mentioned fault could be caused by the short-circuited soldering between the plate through holes and the ground hole around U1 ring reflow process ,in which considerable amount of solder being lost thus non-wetting was caused .
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