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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 19:25



热心网友 时间:2024-02-29 19:29

原文:我国房地产信贷市场经过 20 多年的高速发展,已经取得了很大的成就,商业银行在房地产开发与建设、消费与流通中的作用也不断增强。房地产发展依然处于上升通道,占固定资产投资比重越来越大,全国主要金融机构商业性房地产贷款余额增长迅速,房地产贷款业务已成为中国商业银行的重要业务领域。本文以中国房地产信贷市场中银行所面临的风险进行分析,将风险划分为制度风险、*风险、市场风险等,通过对影响中国房地产信贷市场的各个方面的研究,并通过相关理论知识和国外经验的运用,理论与实际的有机结合探索出避免这些风险的具体对策,探索出推进利率市场化改革、建立和发展房地产抵押贷款的二级市场与推动房地产抵押贷款的证券化、提高商业银行的风险防范意识,规范信贷操作、完善征信法规,建立健全全国个人征信体系、尽快建立健全市场化的金融风险补偿机制、完善房地产信贷的法律法规、加强对房地产信贷业务的监管等解决方法
Original text: Our country real estate credit market undergoes more than 20 years high speed development, had already achieved the very great achievement, the Commercial bank in the property development and the construction, the expense and the circulation function also unceasingly strengthens. The real estate development is still in rises the channel, accounts for the investment in the fixed assets proportion to be getting bigger and bigger, the nation main financial organ commercial character real estate loan remaining sum growth is rapid, the real estate loan service has become China Commercial bank's important service domain. This article the risk which the bank faces by the Chinese real estate credit market in carries on the analysis, divides the risk into the system risk, the policy risk, the market risk and so on, through to affects the Chinese real estate credit market each aspect research, and through the correlation theories knowledge and the overseas experience's utilization, the theory and the actual organic synthesis explores avoids these risks the concrete countermeasure, explores advancement interest rates liberalization reform, establishment and development real estate mortgage loan secondary market and the impetus real estate mortgage loan securitization, raises Commercial bank's risk guard consciousness, the standard credit operation, the consummation draft the letter laws and regulations, founds the perfect nation to draft the letter system, to establish perfectly as soon as possible personallyThe marketability finance compensation for risk mechanism, the consummation real estate credit's laws and regulations, strengthen to real estate credit operation and so on supervision solution

热心网友 时间:2024-02-29 19:30

Original text: Our country real estate credit market undergoes more than 20 years high speed development, had already achieved the very great achievement, the Commercial bank in the property development and the construction, the expense and the circulation function also unceasingly strengthens. The real estate development is still in rises the channel, accounts for the investment in the fixed assets proportion to be getting bigger and bigger, the nation main financial organ commercial character real estate loan remaining sum growth is rapid, the real estate loan service has become China Commercial bank's important service domain. This article the risk which the bank faces by the Chinese real estate credit market in carries on the analysis, divides the risk into the system risk, the policy risk, the market risk and so on, through to affects the Chinese real estate credit market each aspect research, and through the correlation theories knowledge and the overseas experience's utilization, the theory and the actual organic synthesis explores avoids these risks the concrete countermeasure, explores advancement interest rates liberalization reform, establishment and development real estate mortgage loan secondary market and the impetus real estate mortgage loan securitization, raises Commercial bank's risk guard consciousness, the standard credit operation, the consummation draft the letter laws and regulations, founds the perfect nation to draft the letter system, to establish perfectly as soon as possible personallyThe marketability finance compensation for risk mechanism, the consummation real estate credit's laws and regulations, strengthen to real estate credit operation solutions and so on supervision

热心网友 时间:2024-02-29 19:30

Our country real estate credit market undergoes more than 20 years high speed development, had already achieved the very great achievement, the Commercial bank in the property development and the construction, the expense and the circulation function also unceasingly strengthens. The real estate development is still in rises the channel, accounts for the investment in the fixed assets proportion to be getting bigger and bigger, the nation main financial organ commercial character real estate loan remaining sum growth is rapid, the real estate loan service has become China Commercial bank's important service domain. This article the risk which the bank faces by the Chinese real estate credit market in carries on the analysis, divides the risk into the system risk, the policy risk, the market risk and so on, through to affects the Chinese real estate credit market each aspect research, and through the correlation theories knowledge and the overseas experience's utilization, the theory and the actual organic synthesis explores avoids these risks the concrete countermeasure, explores advancement interest rates liberalization reform, establishment and development real estate mortgage loan secondary market and the impetus real estate mortgage loan securitization, raises Commercial bank's risk guard consciousness, the standard credit operation, the consummation draft the letter laws and regulations, founds the perfect nation to draft the letter system, to establish perfectly as soon as possible personallyThe marketability finance compensation for risk mechanism, the consummation real estate credit's laws and regulations, strengthen to real estate credit operation and so on supervision solution


热心网友 时间:2024-02-29 19:31

Our country real estate credit market passes through more than 20 years high speed development, has already obtained the very great achievement, the commercial bank in the property development and the construction, the expense and the circulation function also unceasingly strengthens.The real estate development still is in the rise channel, accounts for the investment in the fixed assets proportion to be more and more big, the nation main financial organ commercial character real estate loan remaining sum growth is rapid, the real estate loan service has become China Commercial bank the important service domain.This article the risk which the bank faces by the Chinese real estate credit market in carries on the analysis, divides the risk into the system risk, the policy risk, the market risk and so on, through to affects the Chinese real estate credit market each aspect research, and through the correlation theories knowledge and the overseas experience utilization, the theory and the actual organic synthesis explores avoids these risks the concrete countermeasure, explores advancement interest rate marketability reform, establishment and development real estate mortgage loan two levels of markets and the impetus real estate mortgage loan securitization, enhances the commercial bank risk guard consciousness, the standard credit operation, the consummation draft the letter laws and regulations, founds the perfect nation to draft the letter system personally, to establish as soon as possibleThe perfect marketability finance compensation for risk mechanism, the consummation real estate credit legal laws and regulations, strengthen to real estate credit operation solutions and so on supervising and managing


热心网友 时间:2024-02-29 19:31

Our country real estate credit market undergoes more than 20 years high speed development, had already achieved the very great achievement, the Commercial bank in the property development and the construction, the expense and the circulation function also unceasingly strengthens. The real estate development is still in rises the channel, accounts for the investment in the fixed assets proportion to be getting bigger and bigger, the nation main financial organ commercial character real estate loan remaining sum growth is rapid, the real estate loan service has become China Commercial bank's important service domain. This article the risk which the bank faces by the Chinese real estate credit market in carries on the analysis, divides the risk into the system risk, the policy risk, the market risk and so on, through to affects the Chinese real estate credit market each aspect research, and through the correlation theories knowledge and the overseas experience's utilization, the theory and the actual organic synthesis explores avoids these risks the concrete countermeasure, explores advancement interest rates liberalization reform, establishment and development real estate mortgage loan secondary market and the impetus real estate mortgage loan securitization, raises Commercial bank's risk guard consciousness, the standard credit operation, the consummation draft the letter laws and regulations, founds the perfect nation to draft the letter system, to establish perfectly as soon as possible personallyThe marketability finance compensation for risk mechanism, the consummation real estate credit's laws and regulations, strengthen to real estate credit operation solutions and so on supervision .
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