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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 17:04



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 20:36

evil never conquer the justice
learn to unite
be able to handle the problems calmly
try hard for my own belief
everyone has a target in mind. let's push on for it.
everybody can grow mature, strong, brave and united after the torture of difficluties and setbacks.
Do you have a great goal? Do you have magnificent ambition? Do you have ideal of life? if you have, let;s work for it.

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 20:36

1: evil, forever not justice
2: unity
3: to calm the problems of their own
4: in order to their beliefs
5: everybody has a target, let us to our own goals and brave push.
6: through the difficulties and setbacks, everyone will become mature, brave, strong, and unity.
7: you have a great goal? You have magnificent desire? You are the ideal life? If you have? Let us work hard!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 20:37

1 evil,will never overcome justice
2 learn to draw together
3 be sober when dealing with problems in front of you
4 make efforts for our own belief
5 everyone has a dream in mind,let's fight for it and go forward
6 after suffering difficulties and be frustrated,we will become mature,strong,brave and united.
7 Do you have a target in the long run?do you have a big dream?do you have a ideal of your life?if so,let us endeavor for it!

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 20:37

1.evil never overcome the justice

2.learn to hold together.

3.be capable of calmly handle the problems

4.fight for your own belief

5.Nobody hasn't a goal in one's mind, let's tivy bravely to your own targe.

6.everybody can grow mature, strong, brave and united after experience the torture of difficluties and setbacks.

7.Do you have a great expectations? Do you have grandiose seek? Do you have ideality of life? if you have, let's work on it.


The Return to Narnia tells the story of the Pevensie children's second trip to Narnia, ring which they discover that Miraz, uncle of Prince Caspian, had forced him to flee into the woods and usurped the throne, declaring himself a king. Once again, the children set out to save Narnia, aided by the Narnians and ultimately by Aslan to return the throne to the rightful ruler, Prince Caspian. This is also the last time Peter is featured until The Last Battle.Children return to their world after everything is over.

The power of nature is great, we should love environment.
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