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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 16:43



热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 15:37

The basis international electrician's usual practice, the list line system design, 86 boxes of features;Move, control from a distance interaction control, operation more convenience;Tradition machine way and modern Gao Xin's science and technology be perfect to combine;Decorate frame usage streamlined kind, color white, front-panel original material usage import the United States the PC anticipate(bullet-proof gum), Zu Ran, anti- pound at;(take stainless steel line fluorescence point)Move a switch adoption to touch a point with the pure silver, silver copper compound gangplank.The switch number of times can reach to 40000 times above, under the normal usage circumstance, the service life can reach to 12 year above.BE touch type, light touch a type of the same kind teleswitch kick the beam of, real quality excellent low price;The electronics circuit plank adoption Gao the glass fiber plank of the strength, proct function stability credibility, electromagnetism and permit sex good.The switch front-panel match a nation standard.
Main function characteristics:
1, this teleswitch adoption international forerunner of numeral wireless technique, usage be free from a direction restriction, can separate a wall control from a distance, credibility good.
2, basis international electrician usual practice design, install, connect line and common the switch be similar.(have no zero line, direct substitute existing wall power switch)
3, control, control from a distance interaction control, reserve machine switch all function.
4, establish to defend thunder function especially, thunder-storm day can as usual usage.
5, do not touch some electronics switch, have no the machine wear away, not creation electricity spark, safety credibility combine can extension load service life.
6, establish to telephone especially from extinguish function, have a power fail empress again telephone, the switch be placed in close appearance and avoid waste.
7, several appropriation integrated circuit, work stability, the anti- interference's ability be strong;Quality credibility, the switch number of times can reach to 100,000 times above.
8, extensive application at various fluorescent lamp, economy energy the light, incandescent lamp, metals Lu turn a thing light and other instry illuminate lamp.
9, move the machine way of the switch adoption, quality with the same kind light touch a teleswitch can't mutually lift and recognize, normal usage, protect to use 12 years.
Apply scope:
1, is that the places, such as family, factory, warehouse and office...etc. be most ideal control switch, relief tradition switch light of inconvenience and annoyance, safety credibility.
2, do not touch some electronics switch, not creation electricity spark, the combustible air place use for safety.

Technique index sign;
The sum settle electric voltage: AC 150~ AC250 V;
The achievement of need the machine consume<0.05 W
The sum settle a load:<300W
Control from a distance distance:30 meters are or so
Work frequency:The 303 MHZ 315 MHZ 433 MHZ can choose

热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 15:38


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 15:38


热心网友 时间:2023-11-01 15:39

1楼的翻译机 完全不好用= =`
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