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turn up,turn off,turn on的意思?

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 19:04



热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 11:00

turn up:

vt. 朝上翻(出现,来到,,卷起,找到,被找到,出现,发生)

1. I can't hear the radio very well; could you turn it up a bit?
收音机我听不太清楚, 你把声音开大点行吗?

2. We invited her to dinner but she didn't even bother to turn up.

3. He turned up his coat collar against the chill wind.

4. Investment is turning up sharply.

5. I'm sure your watch will turn up one of these days.

6. He's still hoping something (eg a job or a piece of good luck) will turn up.

7. The farmer turned up a human skull while ploughing the field.
那农民 地时挖出一个人类的头颅骨.

8. The soil had been turned up by the plough.
那片地是用 翻的.

名词turn up:

1. the lap consisting of a turned-back hem encircling the end of the sleeve or leg
同义词:cuff, turnup

动词turn up:

1. appear or become visible; make a showing
同义词:come on, come out, surface, show up

2. bend or lay so that one part covers the other
同义词:fold, fold up

3. discover the location of; determine the place of; find by searching or examining

4. be shown or be found to be
同义词:prove, turn out

5. find by digging in the ground
同义词:excavate, dig up

turn off:


1. You should have had enough sense to turn off the electricity supply before disconnecting the wires.

2. Please turn off the electric power.

3. Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine.

4. Do you mind if I turn off the light?

名词turn off:

1. something causing antagonism or loss of interest
同义词:turnoff, negative stimulation

2. a side road where you can turn off

动词turn off:

1. cause to stop operating by disengaging a switch
同义词:switch off, cut, turn out

2. make a turn

3. cause to feel intense dislike or distaste
同义词:put off

turn on: [ tə:n ɔn ]

v. 反对,攻击

1. She's often turned on by men with beards.

2. Why are you all turning on me (ie criticizing or blaming me)?

3. The success of a picnic usually turns on the weather.

4. The discussion turned on the need for better public health care.

5. Jazz has never really turned me on.

6. His normally placid dog turned on him and bit him in the leg.
他那条狗平日很温顺, 这次突然发作咬了他的腿.

7. He asked me to turn on the radio for him.

8. He forgot to turn on the radio and thus missed the program.
他忘了打开收音机, 因此错过了那个节目。

名词turn on:

1. something causing excitement or stimulating interest

动词turn on:

1. cause to operate by flipping a switch
同义词:switch on

2. be contingent on
同义词:depend on, devolve on, depend upon, ride, hinge on, hinge upon

3. proce suddenly or automatically

4. become hostile towards

5. cause to be agitated, excited, or roused
同义词:agitate, rouse, charge, commove, excite, charge up

6. stimulate sexually
同义词:arouse, sex, excite, wind up

7. get high, stoned, or drugged
同义词:trip, trip out, get off

热心网友 时间:2023-11-03 11:01

turn up把(声音等)调高
turn off关掉
turn on开
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