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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 03:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:17

1劝他去参加那个活动是在浪费时间(a waste of time)
it is a waste of time to advise him not to take part in the activity.
2TOM不努力学习,因此,他们没有通过考试(as a result )
Tom doesn't work hard. as a result ,he didn't pass the exam.
If we continue to pollute the enviroment,more animals will extinct
4现在流行的东西迟早会过时(go out of style)]
those things popular now will go out of style sooner or later.
this picture reminds me of the happy days we spent together.
6像往常一样,他早早就去上班了(as usual)
he went to work early as ususal.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:17

1 advised him to take part in the activity is a waste of time (time) a waste (
2TOM don't study hard, so they didn't pass the exam (as a result)
3 if we will continue to change the natural environment, more animals will pounce (extinct)
4 the rage now go out sooner or later style (outdated ()]
This painting reminds me of the time we share together (remind)
6 as usual, he went to work early (as usual)

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 21:18

1: it's a waste of time to persuade him to participate in the activity.
2:tom doesn't work hard,as a result,he fails to pass his exams.
3:if we keep on polluting our enviroment,more animals will extinct.
4: the things prevailing currently will go out of style sooner or later
5:this picture reminds me of happy days we spent together.
6:he went to work as usual.
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