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谁帮忙翻译一下这个摘要?谢谢 我英语很烂

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 11:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 01:03

Graph theory, it is a branch of mathematics, is a new subject, the rapid development and wide application. It has been widely applied to physical, chemical, operations research, computer science, electronics, information theory, control theory, network management, social science almost all subject areas. On the other hand, along with the development of these disciplines, particularly the rapid development of the computer science, and contributed greatly to the development of the graph theory.

Major in graph theory as the research object. The research object graph theory is by some given point and connecting the two o 'clock line form graphics, the graphics usually used to describe something of a specific relationship between, with dots represent things, with connecting the two o 'clock line said two things with corresponding between this relationship, it is usually used in mathematics abstraction of the typical representative of visual thinking method.

Graph theory is itself a part of applied mathematics from many people like, history of graph theory in the study of both the genius mathematician who many, many of the amateur. The documentation of graph theory first appeared in the treatise of euler in 1736, he thought the original problem has a strong practical background.

Graph theory originated in the famous ko seven bridge in Johannesburg. The belt in Johannesburg, at axel seven bridge over the river to the island and the island is connected with the bank (see chart), there is a problem is to these four pieces of land from any of a start, through each bridge and happened only through a, and go back to the starting point. There have been many people after countless try to all have no success. In 1736, however, euler incredible solved the problem, he will be the problem as analysis smoke into the first graph theory problem, which USES some to replace every piece of land, will each bridge with connecting corresponding two points of a line to replace, so get the equivalent of a "figure" (see chart). Euler research and solved the problem, he put the question comes down to below the right figure "a stroke" problem, proved that the problem is not the solution. He not only solved the problem, and gives the connected graph can draw a of the important conditions is that they are connected, and strange vertex (through the point of arc article is odd number) of the number of 0 or 2. The job makes euler become graph theory (and the founder of topology).

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 01:04


....Graph theory, it is a branch of mathematics, but also an emerging discipline, rapid development and wide application.It has been widely used in physics, chemistry, operations research, computer science, electronics, information theory, cybernetics, network management, social sciences and almost all other disciplines.On the other hand, with the development of these disciplines, especially the rapid development of computer science, but also greatly promote the development of graph.

Graph theory is mainly to study.Graph theory in the research object is determined by the number of given points and joint points of the line which the graphics, the graphics are usually used to describe something between a particular relationship, with points represent things, with the line connecting two points corresponding to said two things with this relationship, it is often used in abstract mathematics intuitive thinking method of typical representative.

The graph is itself a part of Applied Mathematics, by many people, history of participatory research problem in graph theory. There are many gifted mathematician, there are also many amateur.The graph writing first appeared in the EULAR 1736 treatise, he considered the original problem has very strong practical background.

Graph theory is originated in the famous Seven Bridges of Konigsberg. Problems.In Konigsberg, the pregel River seven bridge will be in the river island and the island and the river is connected (pictured), there is a question as to the four pieces of land in any one of the blocks, through every bridge and it was only by one, and again back to the start.There have been many people after numerous attempts have not been successful.However in 1736, Euler magically solved this problem, he smoked like analysis to this problem to the first problem of graph theory: namely point to replace every piece of land, every bridge connected with two corresponding points of a line to replace, therefore is equivalent to get a "map" (Figure).Euler to study and solve this problem, the problem is reced to below him on the right "one stroke" problem, it has been proved that this problem is not the solution.He not only solved the problem, and gives a connected graph can be a stroke important condition is that they are connected, and the odd vertex (by this point arc of a number is an odd number) of a number is 0 or 2 this work makes Euler graph theory and topology (become) founder.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 01:04

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