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英语作文。 My Summer Holiday Plan 谢谢

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 07:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 04:15

My Summer Holiday Plan

The hope long summer vacation has been going to approach, I want to go to Chinese capital ---- Beijing to travel Beijing is a historical glorious civilized culture country with long history, some many ancient times building until now protects is extremely good, for example:
Imperial Palace The Summer Palace and so on, there has manifested our country ancient times person's construction character and style, the historical culture and so on I also must go to the zoo, looks at the lovable monkey The fat elephant, fierce the tiger and so on 2008 the year Olympic Games will be held in Beijing I must visit the stadium, it is an open-air stadium,
looks at the semblance like a bird nest, is extremely attractive The traveling comes back me to be going to help the mother in the home to do the housework, makes the homework This will be a happy vacation


热心网友 时间:2023-10-15 04:15

My summer holiday plan
The summer holiday is around the corner. I am planning how to spend my holiday.
First, I want to go swimming with my friends. Swimming is great fun, especially in hot summer. Also ,swimming is good for health.
Second, I want to look for a part-time job to do, which will help me know more about society and how to communicate with others. Besides, I can earn my own money by working, which is quite facinating.
Of course I will spend some time watching TV in the summer holiday. Many interesting TV series will be on TV then.
That is my summer holiday plan.追问sorry...60字。。。额

追答The summer holiday is around the corner. I am planning how to spend my holiday.
I want to go swimming with my friends. Swimming is great fun, especially in hot summer. Also ,swimming is good for health.Of course I will spend some time watching TV in the summer holiday. Many interesting TV series will be on TV then.
That is my summer holiday plan.

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