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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 10:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:33

Thunderstroke risk assessment and bodily-injury damage risk assessment have a significant meaning in effectively protecting people's lives in cases of thunderstroke. Thunderstroke prevention equipment provides reliable theoretical data on the effective prevention and rection of thunderstroke accidents and can meet various requirements including safe and reliable, advanced technology, reasonable cost and recing the possible occurence of thunderstroke accidents.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:34

Evaluating the risk of thunderstroke and bodily injury means a lot to protect people safe in the thunder disaster,and provides credible data to the design of thunder-proof equipment.It will provent or decrease the thunder stroke incidents,and meet the requirement of taking down the possibility of thunder stroke with safety,advanced technology and economy.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:34

Lightning risk assessment, the risk of personal injury damage assessment Leizai For the effective protection of people's lives is of great significance, for lightning protection device designed to provide a reliable theoretical data, to prevent or rece accidents by lightning, so that safe and reliable, technologically advanced , The economy and reasonable to rece the possibility of an accident occurring lightning inevitable requirement.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:35

Lightning casualties of risk assessment assessment of the risks of loss to the disaster effectively protect people's life safety and has an important meaning, for lightning protection equipment design provides the reliable theory data, prevent or rece accidents, safe and reliable lightning, advanced technology, reasonable economy and rece the possibility of accident happened lightning

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 16:35

Lightning risk assessment, the risk of personal injury damage assessment Leizai For the effective protection of people's lives is of great significance, for lightning protection device designed to provide a reliable theoretical data, to prevent or rece accidents by lightning, so that safe and reliable, technologically advanced , the economy and reasonable to rece the possibility of an accident occurring lightning necessary requirement for
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