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Peter pan的英语内容+作者简介 会中译英的也进! 追加!!

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-15 23:52



热心网友 时间:2023-08-03 12:16

There are many kids, imagine to play everyday, withour studying or growinb up. The main role Peter Pan ,in this book, was just a boy who want never to grow up. He lived in Neverland, like a heaven, there were sweet-sounding fairies, long-hair mermaid, never grown-up kids, mysterious Indians, terrible pirates, and crocodiles which can make a sound like "dida".
Howerer, colorful life couldn't replace Peter's missing of his mother. So a girl named Wendy, who also want never to grow up, came into Neverland to become the kids'mother.
They began the all kinds of adventure in Neverland. However, Wendy choose to grow up in the end .She, with her "children" ,flew through the window home,which thire mother had kept open for them.
The boy Peter, unwanted to grow, though own a world of happiness, he can't have a warm fanily. He could just look by the windows, watch the stoves, smiles and the affection in a family, and went away silently with the fairies, disappeared in the night.

The writer, Sir(注意他是爵士) James Barrie, a British novelist and dramatist ,had wrote a lot of fairy tales in his life. Peter Pan was his representative work, it has the most effects.
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