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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 03:45



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 10:03

This piece of narration the shipping interest passed on a message in the South China Sea in 1868 to have the sea monster to destroy the ships, the various countries' government was compelled to dispatch the warship maintenance route security, and investigation sea monster really false. But unexpectedly investigates the ship to hit by the unclear monster sinks, only then Arab League Luo river Professor Yaaz, assistant Kang Suo and the fish fold the hands the Nepali Germany blue to rescue by the nautilus nucleon submarine. This ship directs by Captain Nimmo, to delivers the munitions ship to give attacks and sinks. Nimmo respects achievement of the Arab League Luo river Yaaz, regards as it the honored guest. The submarine must return to the tile Connie Asia base, the midway to the deep sea exploration seabed world, here is this ship grain the main origin. Professor comes from the technology for its technical power which the seabed sable breeds to exclaim, but the Nepali Germany blue wants to escape wholeheartedly, is expelled actually in the desert island by 食人族. He finds out the base position, installs the letter with the jar to inform to outside. When arrives the tile Connie island, the warship has sphered this base. Nimmo destroys the base, causes the nucleon to explode, Nimmo also is hit the life danger, at the point of death front drives into the parrot conch the seabed cemetery to perform to destroy.
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