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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 03:16



热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:38

不知道你什么版本的,英版菜单设置解释如下。取样绝对不能开一开掉3倍帧数,改什么都没用。建议贴图 特效 都开,模糊 景深 垂直同步关,抗锯齿 光线 视距 以流畅为准。
- Texture downscaling: higher values result in lower texture quality.

- Texture memory size: sets the amount of graphics card memory allocated to textures. Larger values will decrease the amount of streaming that occurs in game and will make the game run more smoothly, but they can also cause the graphics card to run out of memory and even result in game crashes. Choose a reasonable value based on the amount of memory available on your graphics card.

- Shadow quality: affects graphics performance. Consumes GPU power without affecting CPU performance.

- Number of shadowed lights: set the maximum number of lights that cast shadows. Affects graphics performance. Consumes GPU power without affecting CPU performance.

- LOD distance: distance scale for level of detail on meshes. Lower values improve game performance but result in reced detail on models.

- Bloom: effect greatly improves quality of game graphics without placing excess demands on GPU.

- Light shafts: visual effect recommended for medium-high/high-end machines. Should be disabled on older systems.

- Anti-aliasing: demanding effect that can significantly rece performance, so it should be disabled on medium and low-end machines.

- Blur effects: special blur and radial blur visual effects that are quite demanding on hardware but used rarely in the game.

- Depth of field – gameplay: subtle visual effect. Option determines appearance of effect only ring gameplay sequences and does not affect DoF in cutscenes.

- Vignette: aesthetic option that proces a photographic vignette around the game screen. Does not affect performance.

- Rain, Wet surfaces rain effect: modest impact on performance.

- SSAO (Screen Space Ambient Occlusion): lighting effect that is important to the game but unfortunately places significant demands on the GPU.

- Motion blur: blur effect on camera movement, demanding on the GPU.

- Cinematic depth of field: provides movie-like depth of field in cutscenes and dialogue sequences. Extremely detailed but demands significant power. Should only be enabled on machines equipped with top-end graphics cards.

- Depth of field – cutscenes: option only affects cutscenes and dialogue sequences, does not affect gameplay performance.

- Dangling objects limit: limiter for physical animation of character components like Geralt's hair. Disabling this option places greater demands on the CPU.

- Ubersampling: high quality rendering mode under which whole scenes are rendered multiple times to provide the best possible textures, object details and anti-aliasing (superior to anti-alias and anisotropy even on the highest settings). Use with caution, only on top-end computers (best possible in terms of both GPU and CPU).

- Vertical sync: helps eliminate "screen tearing" ring camera movements and blinking on very quick animations (e.g., bright explosions), but can cause somewhat slower rendering and short input lags.

- Decals: enabling decals like st or blood on characters can affect CPU performance.


热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:39

把3d vision驱动卸载了绝对不卡 我的配置I7 920+GTX260 在室内只有3帧 卸载3d vision后 开高特效平均帧在30~40帧 还有把画面设置里倒数第三项 最高取样关闭 贴图使用的记忆体设置成很小记忆体 其它特效稍微关点 然后点确认 在进入X:\Documents\Witcher 2\Config 打开 User.ini 把 [Engine] 改成 [[Engine] 然后退出保存下次就能用这样的设置进行游戏了 不改的话下次进游戏后设置又变来 最后右键点User.ini 设为只读 然后保存 这样就设置完毕 流畅游戏 绝对手动打的鄙视复制

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:39

巫师2 是这样的 有史以来最牛的显卡杀手
我的配置 I7 970 2xGTX580
孤岛危机2 的时候 一个显卡稳定跑120FPS 开了垂直同步 我用的3D显示器
玩巫师2 原版的时候 全效果 2个显卡都开跑30FPS 后来到国*站上找了一个巫师2 SLI优化的方法 FPS稳定45-70FPS 升级巫师2 1.1版本后稳定70-120FPS

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:40

我今天也玩了巫师2 很高兴的是,我把CPU烧坏了,请看我的配置给你参考,希望对你有帮助!送你一句,珍惜电脑啊,不要勉强玩。别伤害它,

电脑型号微星 MS-7388 台式电脑
操作系统Windows XP 专业版 32位 SP3 ( DirectX 9.0c )

处理器AMD Athlon(速龙) II X3 435 三核
主板微星 K9A2 Neo2 (MS-7388) (ATI RX780/RX790(AMD 770/870) 芯片组)
内存2 GB ( 威刚 DDR2 800MHz )
主硬盘西数 WDC WD5000AAKS-00V1A0 ( 500 GB )
显卡Nvidia GeForce 9800 GT ( 512 MB )
显示器宏碁 ACR0053 V193W ( 19.1 英寸 )
光驱飞利浦-建兴 ATAPI DVD D DH18D4P DVD光驱
声卡瑞昱 ALC888 @ ATI IXP SB600/SB700/SB800 高保真音频
网卡瑞昱 RTL8168C(P)/8111C(P) PCI-E Gigabit Ethernet NIC / 微星

热心网友 时间:2023-10-09 19:41

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