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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-16 08:39



热心网友 时间:2023-08-14 02:29

英语:Will the Chinese translation for English, try to use some simple English words and sentences (artificial translation) our school auditorium is now a very beautiful hall, in a few years ago just reconstruction, reconstruction after beautiful and magnificent than before, our school auditorium can accommodate more than 1000 people, is the number of all schools, the school hall effect is mainly do some ecation lecture, in addition, the beginning of the year gift can hear the President's speech, and annual sce can see some of my classmates there wear neat uniform take graation, and BiYeLi is in the school hall, and every year the award is in the hall, the school auditorium is also play a game of place, as this year's knowledge competition, we can see in the winning team published the feeling. The auditorium or athletes badminton training local peace on sports hall place, which can, in the school hall to be the school a indispensable place.
韩语:이하 는 은 영 어로 중국어 통역 을 최대한 자 일부 간 단 한 영문 生字 과 문장 (인공 번역) 우리 의 학교 강당 지금 이 매우 아름 다운 강당 에서 는 몇 년 전 방금 재건 을 재건 이후 예전 보다 예 쁜 과 장 많 게 말 해, 우리 학교 강당 수용 할 수 있 는 1000 여명, 즉 전 간 학교 에 제한 을 받 는 사람 의 역할 을 주로 학교 강당 을 일부 교육 의 강의 가 이 밖 에 매년 개학 례 들 을 수 있 는데, 연간 총 장의 발언 의 수료 례 들이 종종 눈 에 띈 동창 그곳 에서 입 어도 교복 차림 졸업 사진 찍 고 毕业礼 역시 학교 강당 에서 열 린 는데, 매년 시상 도 이 식장 에서 진행 되 며, 학교 강당 도 경기 가 열 리 는 곳 을 올해 의 지식 경기 를 보 면 우리 는 이문 승리 한 팀 발표 수상 소감 이다.강당 이든 선수 배드민턴 훈련 의 지방 평화 시 에서 스포츠 당의 지방 점 을 감 안 하 면, 학교 강당 벌 거 벗 은 실 상이 학교 하나 빼 놓 을 수 없 는 곳 이다.
法语:Service chinois de traction suivante, dans la mesure possible, à la fois pour les pays anglophones à caractère nouveau et simple phrase anglaise (traction) nos salles est désormais une très belle, après plusieurs années auparavant dans l’auditorium de construction qu’auparavant belle après beaucoup plus réit et ambitieux, dans notre école peut accueillir plus de 1 000 écoles, est le nombre de salles joue essentiellement un rôle de l’écation des conférences par an, en outre, être enten dans les rites, recteur de politesse par an peuvent être «où étudiants diplômés tirée des uniformes et de promotion, pris dans des salles par an dans des écoles, dans l’auditorium concours sera cette année, comme les connaissances que nous pouvons gagner par TaiXia voir corps lauréates. Dans l’auditorium de badminton ou des athlètes locaux à la paix, à l’église de sport en salles, d’établissements scolaires en fait partie intégrante.


热心网友 时间:2023-08-14 02:30

翻译: Our school auditorium can accommodate more than 1000 people, is the number of all schools, the school hall effect is mainly do some ecation lecture, in addition, the beginning of the year gift can hear the President's speech, and annual sce can see some of my classmates there wear neat uniform take graation, and BiYeLi is in the school hall, and every year the award is in the hall, the school auditorium is also play a game of place, as this year's knowledge competition, we can see in the winning team published the feeling. The auditorium or athletes badminton training local peace on sports hall place, which can, in the school hall to be the school a indispensable place.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-14 02:30

Our school auditorium is now a very beautiful auditorium, a few years ago after reconstruction, reconstruction is more beautiful than before and much grander, our school hall can accommodate more than 1000 people, is the school number, the school hall effect is mainly carried out some ecational lectures, in addition, the annual opening ceremony to hear the president's speech, and the annual graation ceremony can see some students there dressed in neat uniforms graation photo, and the graation ceremony will be held in the school auditorium is the annual awards, and also in the hall, school hall also race takes place, like this knowledge game, we can look at the audience the winning team published the winning feeling. The auditorium or athletes in badminton training places and usually sports hall place, thereby, the school hall school to become an indispensable place


热心网友 时间:2023-08-14 02:31

Our school auditorium is now a very beautiful auditorium, a few years ago after reconstruction, reconstruction is more beautiful than before and much grander, our school hall can accommodate more than 1000 people, is the school's number,

热心网友 时间:2023-08-14 02:32

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