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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 18:40



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 02:34

hello,everybody, i'm lucy, and i'm 6 years old now. i like singing, dancing, model step, playing piano, learning english and reading, i'm eager to get support from you.
well, today, i dont just want to introce myself to you, and i want to say something about my mom, because she is the person i love most and who i love most.
my mom is young, and very pretty, she has tall & slim body, very smooth skin, long black hair, a high nose, bright eyes... you dont belive me?see, i am just like her.
you know, all the children call me little pretty princess, and i am proud of this. but my mom told me the child with knowledge is a real princess after she knew that. so i determind to be a real princess.
i learned to sing, dance, play piano, speak enlish, and i do achieved a lot of fun from these, and now i always taught other students in the kindgarden.
someday i asked my mom wheather or not i am a real princess, but she just said she could do better if she were me. so i decided to compete with mom. dont worry about me, i will win.
every night i will play the piano, mom will guide me and also learn from me, she accompaniments while i am singing, she also asked me to teach her dancing, speaking english, playing letter games. and i wined everytime. well, you dont believe me? actually i also know she just pretented to be defeated, because she is a real teacher who teach music, and it was she fist teach me how to play piano.
i do appreciate all these things that mom taught me. i want to tell mom, i love you so much mom. and i hope you all like her.
in the end, i want to show myself to you guys, to my dear mom and all the moms in the world, wish them all happiness.
thats the end of my lecture, thank you.
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