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帮我翻译一下这段话呗 我急用 麻烦了 汉译英

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 18:09



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 20:02

Advertising language functions into slogans, brands with the sign that most of the text of the three, and the advertising slogan advertising the English language in some of the best, most fully embodies the characteristics of the body language, but also reflect the highest concentration of English advertising language with other different languages. Thus the characteristics of the article from the diagram, phonology, vocabulary, syntax and rhetorical analysis of several aspects of the language features of advertising slogans, and then sum up the language of the characteristics of advertising language.
(A) the title of advertising slogans and graphic features of the language (graphological features of advertising slogan and headline)
(1) intentionally wrong to fight in order to highlight the brand to attract the audience or the purpose of reading;
Introcing the new Infinia with InTouch. (Toshiba --- Infinia)
(Infinia new appearance a good time on the side.)
This deliberate misspellings or letter combinations are often wrong in the title in order to create a format, so that brand in a balanced way in order to achieve brand and easy to highlight the purpose of memory. In this title, In and with should have been synthesized as a preposition, but it and the Touch to go together, the purpose of the first sentence of Introcing and echo each other, so that sentence Infinia the brand more visible. In this way, there are three words in the title to In the US-led, or called alliterative, Infinia will not appear on the brand in isolation.
(2) the use of sensitive information in the form of highlighting;
BUYING quality PARTS is not a FOREIGN idea to us. (Toyota)
(Buy high-quality components, creating high-quality Toyota. --- Toyota Motor)
(3) the frequent use of period, question mark, exclamation point, a dash punctuation, etc., but also sometimes does not use any punctuation marks;
(Bombay Sapphire martini, a special brewing阿拉达尔尼. Jingying pure priceless. --- Bombay Sapphire gin)
(4) are usually under the banner or the title of the form of a sentence needs to be split into several lines, or a word, phrase or phrases representing the location of his party.
Modem, (decoding),
Print, (print)
Fax, (fax)
Call grandpa. (Toshiba) (grandfather to pick up the phone.) (Dong Zhi computer)
儿歌祖国妈妈我爱你是谁写的汇总28句 为什么有的人学几何很厉害数学却不行 一个人数学几何好,但是其他计算方面的都马马虎虎,那么说明这个人怎么... 数学几何好的人,就是一道几何题很快就能想出来的人是不很聪明?这能练... 固安尚城国际怎么样 驾驶员咨询服务营业执照经营范围怎么写 驾校属于什么经营范围 核桃粉保质期多长时间 亿生康宝筋骨冷敷凝胶只在国内销售吗? 清河镇概况 留学的Personal Statement怎么写呢? 请英语高手帮我翻译一下下面一段话,有重赏! 家里总有人抽烟,屋里都是烟味,什么东西能去除味道呢? 为什么肚脐眼下面有硬块。 成人学英语要多长时间才能达到沟通自如的程度呀? 化验肾素,血管紧张素,醛固酮,尿VMA,要住院一晚吗 肚脐眼下面疼请问这是为什么? 紧急求助!!!托福报名把姓名填错了怎么办??? what is Customer Service? 醛固醇是什么? A PHP Error was encountered Severity: Notice Message: Only vari... error_reporting(0) 这是什么意思 肚脐眼下边疼,躺下就不疼了,怎么回事? Bjarne Stroustrup应该怎么读? 肚脐眼下面疼 英语翻译帮助 arr或aarr比值大于30提示原发性醛酮增多症,大于50具有诊断意义什么意思 高分求3小段英文的翻译。谢谢各位了~!!! 老赖存工资卡会冻结吗 原醛症的病因 在辽宁猕猴桃冬天需要和葡萄一样需要下埋土在辽宁猕猴桃冬天需要和葡萄一样需要下埋土越冬吗冬吗听说退休 写一篇80字的英语作文,题目是一个叫王宁的学生向Mr Smoth说明自己在学习英语中的困难 Ahoo什么意思 信用证条款问题,请高手指点! 两侧肾的位置总是凉的 肾区凉怎么办 左侧肾区凉是怎么回事? 肾阴阳双虚怎么办? 求exo王道文《试身》 《反璞》 《荣誉》 《痛症》《辣炒小年糕》和其他exo王道文,最好灿白的暖文虐文 怎样在一个月内做标准引体向上做到5个 我目前只能做1个 背部两侧肾区疼痛是什么原因 江苏容汇通用锂业股份有限公司怎么样? 肾区的具体部位 天凉肾区肉紧,到屋里肉发热 清明上河图长宽多少 腰部两侧肾区非常酸痛,按压也很痛,症状长达一两年,已婚已育,生活正常无压力,但是睡眠质量很差,容易 有关勋鹿的小说,最好虐一点的。 肾区的名词解释 求推荐BL宠爱文 弱弱的提点要求,详见问题补充^^ 怎么可以能多拉点单杠 现在就能拉5个。