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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 15:26



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:13

This movie is really inspiring. It gave me the will to try and become someone in life. Moreover Lizz i.e Thora birch is really a good and best actress i've ever seen. I really do appreciate her. If i can have the copy of this movie, so that i can watch over and over again i would really be happy for it. Oh! The most interesting thing about this movie is that, it shows us about the street life... How they struggle for their life's.. So, what i want to point out is that we the people has also some work to do, so that people who are suffering can have the chance to enjoy their life. Therefore, this picture is also somewhat like a campaign for the people who do not have a good home to live in. Hence it is a great movie which gave us the new spirit to lighten our life's.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:13

"Homeless to Harvard" - This is the inspiration and title of the film "风雨哈佛路", a Chinese-language drama about overcoming adversity. The movie tells the story of a high school student from a rural background who faces many hardships in life, including homelessness, but manages to rise above her circumstances and gain acceptance to Harvard University through determination, perseverance, and academic excellence.
The film is directed by Chinese director Zhuo Yu and stars newcomer actress Wang Zixu in the lead role. It is based on a true story and aims to capture the indomitable spirit of the main character, as she fights to break out of the cycle of poverty and hardship through ecation.
"风雨哈佛路" features some solid acting and Wang Zixu delivers a noteworthy performance as the determined and resilient lead character. The film manages to capture the challenges and hardships faced by rural students in accessing quality ecation and the obstacles they must overcome. It also does a good job of depicting the strength of character and resolve of the main character as she battles against all odds to achieve her dream of attending Harvard.
The film's message is a powerful one about the transformative power of ecation and the ability of indivials to shape their own destiny. It emphasizes the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the courage to face challenges in achieving academic excellence. While the film may be a bit too sobering and melodramatic for some viewers, it is ultimately an uplifting story about the human spirit and the power of overcoming adversity.
总体而言,"风雨哈佛路" 是一部值得一看的影片,特别是对于那些渴望追求梦想并战胜困难的人。虽然故事情节可能过于沉重和戏剧化,但它的核心信息是关于坚韧不拔和自我超越的强大信息。如果你正在寻找一部能够激励你克服困难并追求梦想的电影,那么 "风雨哈佛路" 绝对是一个不错的选择。

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 09:14



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