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求英语对话,主题是cooperation or competition,不要太难的啊,大学四级水平就可以,急~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 17:26



热心网友 时间:2024-03-15 23:08

Q. Would you discuss the roots of competition and steps we can take to heal it?
A. Market forces and commercialization are by their very nature competitive. The theory of market forces is based on the idea of supply and demand. If you organize an economy based on supply and demand, the interrelation between demand and supply will regulate the economic flow and make fair trading and fair economic relationship possible. It is based on a myth, because it presupposes that everybody can take out of the supply the amount equal to their needs, which is not the case.

The major nations, in particular the US, take out of the supply hundreds of times more of every possible commodity than they actually need. That is nothing but greed. Because they proce a lot, they think that they have the prerogative, the right, to use the vast majority, 83 per cent, of all the resources existing in the world. The demand is way above that of the adequacy of the supply, and therefore those who can make little demand, the Third World countries, have to make do with 17 per cent of the supply. The major thoughtform of competition comes from the US. Everything is done to maximize profits in the most efficient way. The most efficient way is to get rid of the highest overhead which is always the labour force who proce the particular commodity. That is what competition leads to, inevitably: commercialization. Maitreya calls commercialization more dangerous to the world than an atomic bomb. It is killing life at its source, which is human. It is based on competition and greed. Greed and competition are at the basis of the commercial and social life of America, and therefore, through its influence, of a huge section of the world.

Q. What steps may we take to heal it?

The first step is to reject commercialization, reject market forces as an economic theory. It helps a few at the expense of the many. Market forces can create, even in the erstwhile Soviet Union, millionaires overnight. That is what they are meant to do. They are meant to present the opportunity of becoming a millionaire to anybody. Anybody with the greed, the initiative, the competitiveness, the energy, to go out there and grab, take and thrust aside others, can do it; that is the American myth. And if we do not reject that whole idea of competition and greed as having any part to play in creating right human relations, we will destroy ourselves, we will never make it.


热心网友 时间:2024-03-15 23:09

自己写的: Competition or Cooperation In my opinion, cooperation is moreCooperation。第二篇作文里我选的是 Competition。 不会自己写啦~

热心网友 时间:2024-03-15 23:09


热心网友 时间:2024-03-15 23:10

太高深了 不知道啊
桃李芬芳的近义词是? 请会答正确。 急... 墨西哥很混乱吗 为什么我的OPPOR9手机连接到任何蓝牙设备放歌曲,都没有办法在蓝牙设备... OPPOA9如何连接酷狗与手机蓝牙? 华为荣耀3X 白色畅玩版的声音调至最大声仍很小声 荣耀3x刷机后卸载了一些系统软件,然后就无法开机,一直停留在开机界面... 平安富赢金生年金保险值得买吗?最全产品测评! 收音机音量旋钮音量最大还是小 德生pl_450收音机音量电位器声音惑大惑小,电位器的型号是什么_百度知 ... 浙江金融学院有什么专业 急求英语作文“合作与竞争”150~200词左右 听广播电台里放的大多是老歌,近几年的歌也只有在榜单里放,是没好歌吗? 我很想成为一名电台播音主持人 不知道怎样才能人让自己实现梦想……可是现在连在电台工作的机会也找不到? 还流行电台点歌吗?为何有些人喜欢电台点歌? 我想学好英语,我坚持每天听英语电台,但我根本听不明白,这种方法有... 幽灵水母的竞争与合作 广播是应注意些什么 competition and cooperation是什么意思 帮忙写2篇英文作文,要求100字即可。题目是:Competition or Cooperation 厦门有车族最多人听的广播电台是哪个 我想听那种有人主持的电台,就如海派甜心里面那种,真诚希望有人解答一下,是手机听,谢谢!! 电脑版的多听FM有木有 多听电台谈笑风生开头曲 报名学校广播台的播音组,面试时需要说些什么,注意什么,平时要多听电台么? 多听FM的基本信息 多听FM怎幺连接不了? 多听FM如何设置定时关闭 “考研个人简历及自述表” “报考单位”一栏是填第一志愿单位还是调剂志愿单位?(我是调剂的) 食品来源证明怎么写? 为了补充营养,有哪些良好食物来源? 求大学英语口语对话:competition and corporation的范文 辩论 合作与竞争 (用英语) which works better competition or cooperation是什么从句 competition and coorperation which is more important, cooperation or competitiont 以竞争当英语小助手的英语作文 请问谁可以帮我找一些关于竞争与合作的英文 合作比竞争更重要corporation is more important than competition 的英语资料。。英语辩论赛,急呀求好心 competition and coorperation in the paceful society 世界上有艾利斯顿商学院吗? 求高人批改雅思作文,请问这样能拿多少分呢? 托福翻译下 流星雨里的艾利斯顿商学院真实的存在么? How do you think of the relationship between competition and cooporation? 想知道: 厦门市 艾利斯顿商学院 在哪 有没有艾利斯顿商学院 艾利斯顿、艾利斯顿、艾利斯顿商学院你在哪里呢? 秋天怎样让人参种子发芽 党组织活动记录 人参几月发芽?