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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 09:10



热心网友 时间:2024-02-22 18:59

摘要Notice that a picnic will be held in Beihai Park this Sunday morning. We will go to the park by bus in the morning, so don't be late. We will enjoy some performances provided by the students in the morning and afternoon.We will play some games to enjoy it. At the same time, we need a dish or a sweet spot to share with others. Don't forget to bring your camera, raincoat, sun hat, flashlight, etc, Thank you for your cooperation.咨询记录 · 回答于2021-12-08组织一次郊游活动活动目的,介绍活动活动意义,英语作文高级句型Notice that a picnic will be held in Beihai Park this Sunday morning. We will go to the park by bus in the morning, so don't be late. We will enjoy some performances provided by the students in the morning and afternoon.We will play some games to enjoy it. At the same time, we need a dish or a sweet spot to share with others. Don't forget to bring your camera, raincoat, sun hat, flashlight, etc, Thank you for your cooperation.亲,满意的话帮我赞一下,非常感谢标题是a pleasant outing活动目的,介绍活动活动意义                                                               A pleasant outing      Last weekend, I went for an outing with my classmates. At 7:30 in the morning, we met at our school gate. We went to the North Hill Park by bike. On the way, we were so excited that we sang loudly. When we arrived there, we started to climb the hill at once. We had a picnic on the top of the hill. After that, we walked down the path and had a rest. Later, some girls danced under the trees and some boys played games happily. We didn't go back until 4:00 p.m.. We were tired but very happy.      What a pleasant outing it was!          能不能用一些高级句式,比如定语从句儿倒装句固定搭配的A Pleasant OutingLast weekend morning,I went for an outing with my friends at the North Hill Park.It was very unforgettable.The weather was so pleasant and we decided to rode bicycleto enjoy the beautiful spring scenery in the park .Then we climbed the hill.The air in North Hill is fresh to breath.It was nearly noon,all of us felt a little hungry and tired.So we had a picnic in the picnic area to take a rest.After our picnic,we played games and had a good time.I must say that having fun with my friends is nice----I wish our friendship will last.And all wonderful times will not just become memories!活动目的,介绍活动活动意义来一些模板,快点 亲上面您可以参考一下哦
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