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中国向太空发射导弹 摧毁一颗老化气象卫星

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热心网友 时间:2023-10-07 00:50

  美国《航空周刊》的报道,称根据*情报局消息,中国在本月11日美国东部时间下午5点28分左右,从西昌发*一枚反卫星导弹,成功地击毁了已经退役的“风云1C”气象卫星。据称这次试验使用了动量杀伤弹头。吃惊之余,赶紧到美国空军Space-Track网上查了风云一号的轨道数据(由北美防空司令部雷达系统提供)。结果显示,风云1C的轨道在格林威治时间11日21:44至12日13:03之间,从845x864公里突然升高到 869x876公里。对一颗燃料基本耗尽的退役卫星来说,这么明显的轨道提升确实是不正常的。12日之后,该网站没有发布过任何新数据。据《航空周刊》透露,*情报局对这次导弹发射事先有知。Space-Track在11日发布的风云1C轨道数据达5次之多,大大超过平时的1-2次,说明当日雷达系统有意识加大了对风云1C的跟踪。从以上情况判断,这个报道有一定的真实可能。当然,也不排除风云1C由于某种我们未知的原因发生了轨道变化,而*情报局或者记者,出于对中国的偏见,臆断和制造了这个事件。

  Chinese Test Anti-Satellite Weapon
  By Craig Covault/Aviation Week & Space Technology
  01/17/2007 07:45:59 PM
  U. S. intelligence agencies believe China performed a successful anti-satellite (asat) weapons test at more than 500 mi. altitude Jan. 11 destroying an aging Chinese weather satellite target with a kinetic kill vehicle launched on board a ballistic missile.
  The Central Intelligence Agency, the National Security Agency, the Defense Intelligence Agency, NASA and other government organizations have a full court press underway to obtain data on the alleged test, Aviation Week & Space Technology will report in its Jan. 22 issue.
  If the test is verified it will signify a major new Chinese military capability.
  Neither the Office of the U. S. Secretary of Defense nor Air Force Space Command would comment on the attack, which followed by several months the alleged illumination of a U. S. military spacecraft by a Chinese ground based laser.
  China's growing military space capability is one major reason the Bush Administration last year formed the nation's first new National Space Policy in ten years, Aviation Week will report.
  "The policy is designed to ensure that our space capabilities are protected in a time of increasing challenges and threats," says Robert G. Joseph, Under Secretary for Arms Control and International Security at the U. S. State Dept. " This is imperative because space capabilities are vital to our national security and to our economic well being," Joseph said in an address on the new space policy at the National Press Club in Washington D. C.
  Details emerging from space sources indicate that the Chinese Feng Yun 1C (FY-1C) polar orbit weather satellite launched in 1999 was attacked by an asat system launched from or near the Xichang Space Center.
  The attack is believe to have occurred as the weather satellite flew at 530 mi. altitude 4 deg. west of Xichang located in Sichuan province. Xichang is a major Chinese space launch center.
  Although intelligence agencies must complete confirmation of the test, the attack is believed to have occurred at about 5:28 p.m. EST Jan. 11. U. S. intelligence agencies had been expecting some sort of test that day, sources said.
  U. S. Air Force Defense Support Program missile warning satellites in geosynchronous orbit would have detected the Xichang launch of the asat kill vehicle and U. S. Air Force Space Command monitored the FY-1C orbit both before and after the exercise.
  The test, if it occurred as envisioned by intelligence source, could also have left considerable space debris in an orbit used by many different satellites.
  USAF radar reports on the Chinese FY-1C spacecraft have been posted once or twice daily for years, but those reports jumped to about 4 times per day just before the alleged test.
  The USAF radar reports then ceased Jan. 11, but then appeared for a day showing "signs of orbital distress". The reports were then halted again. The Air Force radars may well be busy cataloging many pieces of debris, sources said.
  Although more of a "policy weapon" at this time, the test shows that the Chinese military can threaten the imaging reconnaissance satellites operated by the U. S., Japan, Russia, Israel and Europe.
  The Republic of China also operates a small imaging spacecraft that can photograph objects as small as about 10 ft. in size, a capability good enough to count cruise missiles pointed at Taiwan from the Chinese mainland. The Taiwanese in the past have also leased capability on an Israeli reconnaissance satellite.

  作者: 美国华人网 R , Jan 19,2007


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