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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 09:46



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 07:44

Listed companies Abstract : Comparative Analysis of Financial Crisis Warning Model financial risk warning for the strategic management of the modern enterprise is one important way. Financial risk to establish an early warning system to provide timely information to enterprises and help enterprises to improve their business model and strategy, important value. Financial risk warning on many models, which have their advantages and disadvantages. By selecting 2004, 2005, ST was the first company in 2006 and the 20 non-ST for the calculation and analysis of financial statements. analysis of the model in order to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Keywords : Financial crisis warning ST Financial Risk Warning Model

1. 抽象的 Some people say beauty itself is abstract. Do you agree?有些人认为美本身是抽象的。你同意吗?2. 难懂的,深奥的 You explain things in a way that is too abstract for me.你如此解释事物对我来说太深奥了。3. 纯理论的,非实际的 Your reasoning seems very abstract.你的推理...


The legal protection of well-known trademarks 【摘要】【 abstract 】驰名商标是指在长期的市场使用过程中树立了较高的社会信誉,并为相关公众所熟知的商标。Well-known trademark is to point to in the market for a long time in use process set up higher social reputation, and the relevant...


第一段翻译如下 The efficiency handling affairs's demand of entire society to each industry is more and more high, especially service trades since informationize , intellectualized all professions and trades construction more and more in the nowadays be universal,now that being going to sa...


[Key Words] 中小型企业the small and medium-sized enterprises; 核心竞争力the core competence; 管理误区unflawless management; 机遇opportunity; 挑战challenge; 对策countermeasure.我的专业是英语和法学双专业,这篇译文绝对是我自己给你翻译的,花了一定时间,希望对你有帮助。


homework becomes not only means to consolidate students' knowledge, train their skills and improve their achievements but also stage on which they can exhibit themselves and achieve all-round development.Key words:history in senior middle school;curriculum;curriculum reform;homework design ...

论文摘要翻成英文一下 谢谢 急急急急!

论文摘要:Thesis Abstracts:中国的正式入世,意味着中国企业的全球化经营进入了一个新的阶段。China has officially join the WTO,which means that chinese enterprises' globalization operation has entered a new stage.中国企业近几年跨国并购风起云涌,惠州发迹的TCL集团通过一系列并购终于有机会与世界...


本文根据对国内外的农业信息化情况做出比较.阐述中国农业信息化的发展现状和不足。指出中国现今加快发展农业信息化的必要性和紧迫性。重点阐述中国在未来几年内农业发展应该跟随的趋势。This paper draws a comparison between the situation of internal agricultural informatization and that of external ...


The advantages of this design are: we have successfully achieved some additional features in practice, such as alarm, reminder display and so on; we considered some rules of the banking system, such as requirement of the drawing sum and the security of modifying passwords, they have...




the core competitiveness also has the ductility, can simultaneously apply in many different duties, enables the enterprise to meet customer's needs in the wide range. Not only may display technically, but may also display in the production, the management and the marketing. Therefore, ...

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