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richard rogers是谁应该和建筑有关的谢谢~~~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 09:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-06 03:38

理查德·乔治·罗杰斯,河畔的罗杰斯男爵,CH,FRIBA,FCSD(Richard George Rogers, Baron Rogers of Riverside,1933年7月23日-) 英国建筑师。他出生于意大利佛罗伦萨。就读于伦敦AA学校,之后,1962年,毕业于美国耶鲁大学。 在耶鲁,他结识了同学诺曼·福斯特,两人回英格兰即组建了小组四,成员为他俩及其各自的夫人Su Rogers和Wendy Cheesman。他们很快以“高技”设计知名
由于在建筑设计、城市规划和公益事务方面的突出成就,罗杰斯在1985年获得英国皇家建筑师协会金奖;1991年被封为爵士;1996年被封为终身贵族“河畔的罗杰斯男爵”(Baron Rogers of Riverside),成为英国上议院议员(工党)。


2007年获得普利兹克奖(Pritzker Prize),是英国第4个获得该奖的执业建筑师。

Early career
At Yale he met fellow students Norman Foster and Eldred Evans and on returning to England he set up architectural practice as Team 4 with Foster and their respective wifes, Su Brumwell and Wendy Cheeseman. They quickly earned a reputation for what was later termed by the media "high-tech architecture".

By 1967 the Foster/Rogers partnership had split up, but Rogers continued to collaborate with Su, developing his ideas of prefabrication and structural simplicity to design a Wimbledon house for his parents. This was based on ideas from the 'Zip Up' house[2], such as the use of standardised components based on refrigerator panels to make energy efficient buildings.

Rogers subsequently joined forces with Italian architect Renzo Piano, a partnership that was to prove fruitful. An early commission was a house and studio for Humphrey Spender near Maldon, Essex, a glass cube framed with I-beams. His career leapt forward when he won the design competition for the Pompidou Centre in July 1971 with Piano, alongside a team from Ove Arup that included Irish engineer Peter Rice.

This building established Rogers's trademark of exposing most of the building's services (water, heating and ventilation cts, and stairs) on the exterior, leaving the internal spaces uncluttered and open for visitors to the centre's art exhibitions. This style, bbed "Bowellism" by some critics, was not universally popular at the time, but today the Pompidou Centre is a widely admired Parisian landmark. Rogers revisited this inside-out style with his design for London's Lloyd's Building, completed in 1984 - another controversial design which has since become a famous and distinctive landmark in its own right.

[edit] Later career
After working with Piano, Rogers established the Richard Rogers Partnership in 1977. This became Rogers Stirk Harbour + Partners in 2007. The firm maintains offices in London, Barcelona, Madrid, and Tokyo.

Rogers has devoted much of his later career to wider issues surrounding architecture, urbanism, sustainability and the ways in which cities are used. One early illustration of his thinking was an exhibition at the Royal Academy in 1986, entitled "London As It Could Be", which also featured the work of former partner Norman Foster and James Stirling. This exhibition made public a series of proposals for transforming a large area of central London, subsequently dismissed as impractical by the city's authorities.

In 1995 he became the first architect to deliver the annual Reith Lectures, later adapted into the book Cities for a Small Planet. In 1998 he set up the Urban Task Force at the invitation of the British government, to help identify causes of urban decline and establish a vision of safety, vitality and beauty for Britain's cities. This work resulted in a white paper, Towards an Urban Renaissance, outlining more than 100 recommendations for future city designers. Rogers also served for several years as chair of the Greater London Authority panel for Architecture and Urbanism. He resigned from this post in 2009. From 2001 to 2008 he was chief advisor on architecture and urbanism to London mayor Ken Livingstone; he was subsequently asked to continue his role as an advisor by new mayor Boris Johnson in 2008. He stood down from the post in October the same year. Rogers has also served as an advisor to the mayor of Barcelona on urban strategies.

Rogers was one of the most vocal advocates of the Millennium Dome project and his reputation has suffered as a result. Though still regarded as one of the major international practices it is notable that since the Dome he has secured fewer landmark projects.

After several years of development, the ambitious Rogers Masterplan for the regeneration of Newcastle-upon-Tyne was rejected. Rogers has been active politically as a Labour life peer with the title Baron Rogers of Riverside in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea.

Rogers was appointed to design the replacement to the Central Library in the Eastside of Birmingham; however, his plan was rejected on grounds of cost. City Park Gate, the area adjacent to the land the library would have stood on, is now being designed by Ken Shuttleworth's MAKE Architects.

In May 2006 Rogers' practice was chosen as the architect of Tower 3 of the new World Trade Center in New York City, replacing the old World Trade Center, which was destroyed in the September 11 attacks. His old classmate, contemporary and former practice partner Norman Foster is also designing a new WTC tower
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