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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 12:57



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 02:14

  Luxembourg, as a result of its special strategic location, became in front of the neutral country from the 16th century to 19th century in 1867, continuously all was one of European importantly forts.Luxembourg goes through many places falls the European various big powers (from suddenly Gen trigram ke, to Hubbs fort family, to French and Spanish king, finally is saint Rome emperor) what in the hand, the concomitance comes is the city defense works reinforces unceasingly.The Luxembourg imposing city defense works surmounted several century Europe military construction miniature, latter is demolished, only remains little the partial vestiges.
  For several hundred years, the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg capital Luxembourg city always is an object which the Western Europe big powers covet triumphantly.From 1994, its old city and the city defense works have been included the ecational, scientific and cultural organization "World Inheritance Name list".
  Grand Duchy of Luxembourg's capital Luxembourg, is a compact size international spatial port, a fast development money market, a Europe's center, European parliament Secretariat as well as such as Europe audits the court, European court of justice and Europe Investment bank and so on other European organization headquarters all is located in here; At the same time, as soon as it also has the strategic sense intersection, starts from the middle ages early time, Europe's history uses the writing to inscribe in the stone, in the fable this city founder Siegfried wife of plum Luthy count elegant it is said hides in this.This city inhabitant population not to 10 ten thousand, not only spoke mother tongue Luxembourgain (one kind to touch the Zelle law to rank language dialect), moreover also spoke French and German, also spoke English in many situations, even Italian, Spanish and Portuguese.In the metropolitan citizens one half is the foreigner at least.
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