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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 19:41



热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 17:03


在数字电路中,移位寄存器(英语:shift register)是一种在若干相同时间脉冲下工作的以触发器为基础的器件,数据以并行或串行的方式输入到该器件中,然后每个时间脉冲依次向左或右移动一个比特,在输出端进行输出。这种移位寄存器是一维的,事实上还有*的移位寄存器,即输入、输出的数据本身就是一些列位。实现这种*移位寄存器的方法可以是将几个具有相同位数的移位寄存器并联起来。


热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 17:03

8-Bit Serial-in/Parallel-out Shift Register
General Description
The MM74HC164 utilizes advanced silicon-gate CMOStechnology. It has the high noise immunity and low con-sumption of standard CMOS integrated circuits. It alsooffers speeds comparable to low power Schottky devices.This 8-Bit shift register has gated serial inputs and CLEAR.Each register bit is a D-type master/slave flip-flop. Inputs A& B permit complete control over the incoming data. ALOW at either or both inputs inhibits entry of new data andresets the first flip-flop to the low level at the next clockpulse. A high level on one input enables the other inputwhich will then determine the state of the first flip-flop. Dataat the serial inputs may be changed while the clock is HIGHor LOW, but only information meeting the setup and holdtime requirements will be entered. Data is serially shifted inand out of the 8-Bit register ring the positive going transi-tion of the clock pulse. Clear is independent of the clockand accomplished by a low level at the CLEAR input.The 74HC logic family is functionally as well as pin-outcompatible with the standard 74LS logic family. All inputsare protected from damage e to static discharge by inter-nal diode clamps to VCC and ground.
*Typical operating frequency: 50 MHz
*Typical propagation delay: 19 ns (clock to Q)
*Wide operating supply voltage range: 2–6V
*Low input current: 1 μA maximum
*Low quiescent supply current: 80 μA maximum (74HCSeries)
*Fanout of 10 LS-TTL loads
这只是部分资料,更多资料请到深圳市科立胜电子有限 公司网站查询:www.kls.cn

热心网友 时间:2022-05-23 17:04



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