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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 19:29



热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 16:06


Look from the seats arrangement difference between Chinese and
western table manners

Chinese table manners are:

First ask a guest to sit down on the mat, then please elder sit
beside the guest.

Table when

From the left side of the chair. The owner must pay attention to
the point that must not let guests sat in the seat near the serving

And this is a big fear. If it is round table on the door it was the
Lord. Modern popular Chinese feast

Drinking etiquette,

The seating the west to the law of right to borrow,

The first guest sitting on the right of the owner,

The second guest sit

On the right of the owner or to the left of the first guest.

In the western table manners,

The hostess announced after dinner is ready,

Male host guests seated in turn,

General seating arrangement in space and take the principle of men
and women,

The male guest sit,

Its position on the right side of the hostess,

While the Japanese guests on the right side of the male guest,
other couples sit in diagonal manner.


Comparison between Chinese and western table manners differences
from tableware use


In the

Meal by place and method of use


, chopsticks

- 2 -

Chopsticks are the tableware of Chinese food is the most important.

In the use of


Chopsticks must be neatly rice bowl before dinner

On the right side


After a meal must be neatly the vertical in the center of the bowl.
Whether or not the chopsticks remnants of food


Don't go to lick


When you are talking with people


To temporarily put down his chopsticks


Don't put the chopsticks vertically inserted in food


Teeth, scratching, or can't use chopsticks were used for picking up
things outside food.



The spoon

The spoon is mainly used to drink soup


Sometimes can also be used to take shape small dishes.

When using a spoon to get food


Don't be too full


Lest overflow to table or soiled their clothes.

After get food with a spoon


To eat or immediately

On his plate


If taking food is too hot


Can in their own bowl be eaten cold


Don't use mouth to blow


Don't put a spoon in his mouth


Or suck again and again.



The plate

The dishes are mainly used for food


Depending on how much food storage containers and of different
shape and size of shapes.

A little

A little dish to eat dish


On the left side of the bowl


Is used to temporarily put cooking pan from the public to enjoy

With the dishes.

When using a food dish


Don't take too much food at a time


Don't put together a variety of dishes


In case of

They are changing each other. Don't eat the scraps,


Should be put in the front of the plate


When can't directly from the mouth

To spit in the food on a plate


To add on the plate with chopsticks.

(2) western food by place and method of use

Tableware and access principle.

Tableware put the tray in the middle


Left fork right knife


The tip up


Blade to

Within the


Pre-market cross spoon


Staples on the left


The table on the right


Discretionary is put in the rest of the appliance.

The number of the glass with wine

Class is equal


Method from left to right


In turn put strong glass


Wine glass


Champagne glass


Beer stein.

In the west

Dinner napkin on the plate


If the guest has not yet been settled before need to put something
into the plate



Towel on the side.

Use a knife and fork when eating


Knives are used to cut food


The fork is used to send food entrance.

When using a knife


The blade is not

But to the outside.

And not to one end of the knife and fork on the plate


On the other side on the table


Dine in need of short ration

When put down the knife and fork


Should be put into





Place the edge of plate, respectively


The blade towards their



Continue to eat


After the meal


Will the back of the fork upward


The blade inward and forks together


Put down

On the plate


Said the dinner.

Talk with body language or dishes


A knife and fork should be put down



Waving in the air with a knife and fork. After using the knife and


Should be placed horizontally on a plate


Rather than the rim or table



Towards your placement for incision


Fork in the left


In order to take the security of walking.



Spoon can be divided into two kinds


One is a spoon


Have a larger size


The most outside was put on the right side

- 3 -



With a knife and put together


One is a dessert spoon


The relatively small size


Of knives and forks are used by the cross on the dessert

Upper part.

When combined with a spoon sauce


The spoon to his right hand


Fork in the left hand.

After been cut


In the plate

General food scoop up with sauce to eat


After drinking the soup


Spoon on the plate should be the opposite side.

Pay attention to the spoon is absolutely cannot be directly used to
dip any staple food or dishes


Have begun to use the spoon

Can replace it.

In the western food


Eat different food need to match different wine


Usually different glasses used to drink


The top of the knife on the right side each diner


Will a SanSiZhi wine glass.

Can one from outside to inside



General white wine glass and champagne glass, red wine cup, cup is


From the point of view of repast atmosphere difference between
Chinese and western table manners

Chinese people dining, figure is a lively, while westerners good
quiet. China has a saying "people for food

Day ", the Chinese food as the ZhiLe of life, the scene of the
grand, often busy so amazing.

People dining together, often mutual vomiting-incing toasts,
building-would, in ancient times are ok drinkers' wager game, this can show

Enthusiasm and sincerity.

This is also shows the Chinese family harmony, neighborhood unity
of cultural atmosphere.

Westerners sit

At the dinner table, quietly open their own dishes, drink soup
can't make a sound. If the soup is too hot,

Also don't

Can use the mouth to blow, can only stay cool for some soup to
drink. This shows the westerners also good static characteristics.

Chinese dinner at the dinner table, the table of dishes varied and
multifarious. If it is a feast, Lord

Food will be more and more rich, more expensive in order to show
the host's hospitality and guest's identity.

And at the end of the banquet

, the host will often say "nothing good dishes to entertain
everyone today", "food is not good, please inclusion",

"Who snubbed you"

And so on. While western feast usually only four or five dishes,

To just finish eating or slightly

Has a surplus for the best. If in the home, after all of the
world's best food, the hostess will be very happy, think this

Sample is you like her cooking, a recognition of her cooking
skills. In the face of a splendid dinner,

The host will say

Has devoted her all to entertain everyone.

For western master's words,

It is not difficult to draw,

The Chinese people to follow

"To demote people respect"

The principle of

Westerners emphasize efficiency and pragmatism values,

Pays attention to the need of the own face in communication.

For example,

Westerners at the banquet gentle words commonly used to replace the
disgusting thing.

The toilet in which meeting said


The Where


I wash to myhand?



I wonder if I can go somewhere?

"In addition, Chinese people meet

Say "hello" often ask "did you eat?" But in the western countries,
such easy to misleading, to

To please the other party for you to have a meal, especially for
unmarried men and women, they will think you are interested in dating.

- 4 -


Look from the leaves of Chinese and western table manners

Chinese food at the end of the party


Only by the owner to sign for the banquet;

After the host and guest leave seat


The other guests to the end of a banquet; Master should be to see
the guests off at the gate; The guest should be thanked his master;

If the way,

Don't simply and master nods to say hello or about to guests.

Western food at the end of the party


First of all to

Napkin picked up on his leg


Casually folded


Then put the napkin on the left side of the table


And then getting up.

After a meal


Shall be such as men,

The hostess after leaving


Other guests before leaving.



Ms should help every elderly or drag

Pull the seat


Goodbye to thank master


More careful when


Still can again by phone or thank you thank you.

Through the comparison of Chinese and western table manners


Found that people in dining manners can cause some degree of others

The psychological impact. Our country is facing unprecedented


In both the material and spiritual and cultural aspects


Are urgent need a set of complete and reasonable values for unity


Only by understanding the Chinese and western etiquette culture



The reasonable organic integration


To establish suitable for China's contemporary social etiquette
culture system and elimination

Unless e to the cultural barriers in intercultural communication
and misunderstanding


The development of civilization in China and abroad

With some help.

As the world fusion between unceasing deepening,

The etiquette between people more and more be taken seriously,


The importance of table manners more emerges.

The author studies of table manners,

Trying to deeper understanding and

Interpretation use of table manners between Chinese and western
differences in etiquette.

Through the table manners finally can see

, the ritual is ideological content, the meter is form. Cultural
connotation of different angles, thinking and values

The different is the main reason for the differences between
Chinese and western table manners.

热心网友 时间:2023-08-01 16:06

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