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请帮我给这些英语造句 谢谢 look forward to, day and night,as though,have fun with,turn up,

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 19:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:25

This song reminded me of my happy childhood.
You ought to make a thorough plan for your future.
Trust me. I won't tell a lie.
A hardworking girl she is, she will realise her dream before long.
We gave some money to the guy in rags and hope he wouldn't starve.
Watch out. The traffic is so busy.
Cheer up! You still have good friends. We will stand by you forever!
I am happy to hear that my intimate has just given birth to a lovely baby.
Can you account for this repeated mistake?
Do you really think he will keep his word and marry you?
As the criminal approached near, they held their breath and didn't know what to do.
As a girl who tries hard to lose weight, she went mad when told by her friend that she had put on weight after a festival.
Now that it stops raining, let us go shopping.
I met my idol Leehom Wang by accident!
Those who give you their hands in time when you are in difficulty are true friends.
Pay attention to electric use in case that fire should break out.
Before you take a chance, you should think over the risk of this investment.
The guy who get away with cheating ten years ago now turns up a millionaire.
He practised piano day and night and finally won the first prize in an international competition.
I am looking forward to a prosperous job, a considerate lover and a bright future.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:26

I look forward to get home.
I do my homework day and night.
I want to lose weight.
I have fun with tennis.
I like shopping by accident.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-20 13:26

starve in memory of dress up award admire look forward to day and He would rather starve to death than shamelessly beg for his life.
为什么来大姨妈胸会胀 少儿学什么舞蹈 青年学什么舞蹈好 成年人学什么舞蹈 福州企业最低工资标准 2013年厦门的底薪是多少 生产要素的需求有哪些性质 生产要素的需求有何特点? 什么是生产要素需求 微观经济学要素需求什么是条件要素需求?它和要素需求有什么不同?_百度... “leave out.”怎么造句? cool造句? get into a panic 造句 初二英语词组,句型整理? 用所给的单词用英语造句(要囿中文意思,简单的)!!急急急~~!! get how to use it get mad什么意思 got mad 造句 不要太复杂 太阳能发电板倾角怎么计算? 视倾角的公式是什么? 倾斜45度是多少厘米 倾斜角公式 买的避孕药被老公看到了,他提出离婚,我该怎么办? 吃紧急避孕药让家长知道了怎么解释? 绒用部首查字法先查什么再查什么 装、劲、绒、假、朝、些、钓、察、瓣、拢、掌、趣都是什么部首 绒的部手是什么 艾滋病窗口期底热是持续性,还是每天温度不一样 热性水果和温性水果有哪些 感觉怕冷,手心又很热,手心经常出汗,夏天也不怎么吹风扇,腰也不好,只要一过性生活,就腰疼,性生活质 “发”字的结构是什么? 苹果手机能注册几个快手号? 经典古诗词、对联欣赏有哪些? 最经典的鉴赏古诗词的方法有哪些? DNF被永久封了,申诉怎么才能成功?如果能让我的DNF解封,我给他100分 用photoshop如何拼接图片 vivo x7非充电状态下解锁屏幕时,屏幕上边会闪过一条绿色线怎么回事? VIVOy7s打游戏周边出现绿边 初中男生因为以为我送别的男生巧克力,打碎了巧克力,是什么意思,还能和好吗? 请一下,柳州人淹包菜、萝卜酸要怎么淹才好吃,我喜欢吃脆的,求具体的淹酸方法。。。 师生上课用腾讯会议手机好还是电脑好? 为什么我在起点发布的小说里“微博”两个字变成了**? 你觉得董子健在《大江大河》中饰演的杨巡怎么样? 公司准备在农业银行开银行承兑汇票需要什么资料? 二手房买卖 交易流程和注意事项有哪些 心里老是发慌怎么回事 心里老是发慌,请问是怎么回事? 最近老是心里发慌是什么原因 心里老觉得发慌是怎么回事 心里老是一阵一阵发慌是怎么回事