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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 19:14



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 06:08

School Life
Our school life is very beautiful. Our school life is colourful. There is a garden in our school. In spring, there are many flowers in the playground. We like studying in the library because it is air-conditioned. We study hard. We like both work and play. We love our school life.

Travelling in Shanghai in ten years’time
Travelling in Shanghai in ten years’time will be better. Perhaps there will be more flyovers. Perhaps there will be more footbridges. Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams. Most of the people will travel by underground. None of the people will travel by ferry.

Fire drill rules
Fire is very dangerous. When there is a fire, we must obey some fire drill rules. We must not pack our school bags before we leave the classroom. We must not run down the stairs. We must remember to meet in the playground. We must queue up in the corridor.

A forest is a large area of trees. Forests are very important to all the animals and people. People in some countries cook food with wood. They get wood from forests. We cut down trees to make house, furniture and paper. Many animals die because they lose their homes. So we must stop cutting down forest.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 06:08

School Life
Our school life is very beautiful. Our school life is colourful. There is a garden in our school. In spring, there are many flowers in the playground. We like studying in the library because it is air-conditioned. We study hard. We like both work and play. We love our school life.

Travelling in Shanghai in ten years’time
Travelling in Shanghai in ten years’time will be better. Perhaps there will be more flyovers. Perhaps there will be more footbridges. Perhaps there will be fewer traffic jams. Most of the people will travel by underground. None of the people will travel by ferry.

Fire drill rules
Fire is very dangerous. When there is a fire, we must obey some fire drill rules. We must not pack our school bags before we leave the classroom. We must not run down the stairs. We must remember to meet in the playground. We must queue up in the corridor.

It is time for sports

It is about half past four.It is time for sport.The students are on the playground.

They are playing a football match.LiDong is one of them.He is good at football.He plays well.He is on the school football team.LiDong says,"I like playing football.It is my favourite sport."LiDong's friends,PanChen and WangHaisay,"He's a football fan.Ronaldo is his favourite player."

Look at the boys around the basketball court.Many boys are watching a basketball match.The tall boy,Tanglin,is very good at playing basketball.He is very fast and he plays well.Many of his friends say,"He is a good basketball player.His favourite basketball player is YaoMing.His team is sure to win.

I hope they can be the good players of our country,too.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 06:09

Last sunday I went to beach with my family .I played beach foodball with my new friend .Than we weng to ate lunch in restaurant .I ate a bowl of noodles.It was dilicious. Than we went to park .Many people on it.There people are frendly.......剩下的自己写吧

热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 06:09

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