发布时间:2022-05-12 11:43
时间:2023-10-08 17:52
The automobile guards against but actually hits the system the design,mainly is designs a back-draft radar, the back-draft radar, also thename parks the servosystem, or called the back-draft computer policeshows the system. It is the automobile parks or time the back-draftsafe auxiliary unit, (popular name pokes head in), the controller bythe ultrasonic sensor and the monitor (or buzzer) and so on partiallyis composed. It can or a more direct-viewing demonstration informsaround the pilot by the sound the obstacle situation, the puzzle whichrelieved the pilot to have parked, when back-draft and start vehiclesaround about visits causes, and helped the pilot to eliminate thefield of vision dead angle and the line of sight fuzzy flaw, enhanceddriving the security.
Now in the market condition back-draft radar mostly uses theultrasonic ranging principle, the driver when the back-draft, keepsoff the automobile the position to advance R to keep off, the startback-draft radar, under the controller control, pokes head in thetransmission ultrasonic wave by the installment on the tailstockbumper, meets the obstacle, proces the echo signal, after the sensorreceives the echo signal to carry on the data processing after thecontroller, thus calculates between the chassis and the obstacledistance, judges the obstacle the position, again by the monitordemonstrated is away from is concurrent the police to show the signal,when causes the driver back-draft as for does not hit the obstacle.The entire process, after the driver does not need to turn head thenmay know the vehicle the situation, causes to stop with the back-draftis easier, to be safer.
时间:2023-10-08 17:53