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热心网友 时间:2023-04-28 22:23


《使女的故事 第一季 The Handmaid s Tale Season 1 2017》百度网盘高清免费资源在线观看    




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热心网友 时间:2023-04-28 22:24

1 Introction
The significance of this study lies in its exploration of the interconnectedness of gender and environmental issues through an ecofeminist lens. Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale presents a dystopian world where women's bodies are commodified and nature is exploited, revealing the twin oppressions of women and nature in patriarchal societies. By examining the novel from an ecofeminist perspective, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between gender, environment, and power, as well as the potential for feminist environmentalism to create more just and sustainable societies. The findings of this study will be of interest to scholars in the fields of feminist theory, environmental studies, and literature, as well as policymakers and activists seeking to promote gender and environmental justice.
Research on ecofeminism, which investigates the intersectionality of gender and environmental issues, has gained increasing attention in recent years. Scholars both at home and abroad have explored ecofeminist theory and its application in various fields, including literature, sociology, and environmental studies. In the field of English literature, Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale has been a popular topic of research, with scholars analyzing the novel from feminist, environmental, and other critical perspectives. However, few studies have examined the novel through an ecofeminist lens, which emphasizes the interconnectedness of gender and environmental issues. This study aims to fill this research gap by providing a comprehensive analysis of The Handmaid's Tale from an ecofeminist perspective, contributing to the broader literature on feminist environmentalism.
This study aims to analyze Margaret Atwood's The Handmaid's Tale from an ecofeminist perspective, with a focus on the twin oppressions of women and nature in patriarchal societies. The study will first provide a brief introction to ecofeminism and explore the formation of Margaret Atwood's ecofeminist awareness. It will then examine the novel's portrayal of the destruction of nature and the oppression of women by men, analyzing the root causes of these twin oppressions. The study will also explore the rebellions of nature and women in the novel, including the revenge from nature and the rebellion of the Handmaids. By analyzing the novel through an ecofeminist lens, this study aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of the complex interactions between gender, environment, and power in The Handmaid's Tale.
This paper is divided intofive parts.. Chapter 2 provides a brief overview of ecofeminism and discusses the formation of Margaret Atwood's ecofeminist awareness. Chapter 3 explores the twin oppressions of nature and women and the root cause of these oppressions. Chapter 4 analyzes the rebellions of nature and women in the novel. Finally, Chapter 5 concludes the thesis with a summary of the main findings and contributions, as well as a discussion of the limitations and future research directions.
2 Two Ecofeminist Theory and Margaret Atwood’s Ecofeminist Awareness
2.1 A Brief Introction to Ecofeminism
Ecofeminism is a feminist and ecological philosophy that emerged in the 1970s in response to the environmental and social crises of the time. It seeks to examine the connections between the oppression of women and the exploitation of nature, and to challenge the underlying patriarchal and capitalist systems that perpetuate these issues.

Ecofeminism is based on the recognition that women have a special relationship with nature and that their marginalization is linked to the degradation of the environment. This is because women have traditionally been associated with nurturing and caring for the natural world, and have been excluded from decision-making processes related to the environment. At the same time, the domination of nature and the exploitation of natural resources have been justified through patriarchal ideologies that prioritize the values of domination and control.

Ecofeminism encompasses a range of approaches and theories, including cultural ecofeminism, spiritual ecofeminism, social ecofeminism, and materialist ecofeminism. These theories emphasize different aspects of the relationship between women and nature and offer different strategies for addressing the twin oppressions of women and nature.

Cultural ecofeminism emphasizes the cultural and symbolic dimensions of the relationship between women and nature. It argues that the devaluation of women and nature is rooted in patriarchal cultural norms that equate women with nature and portray both as inferior to men and civilization. Spiritual ecofeminism draws on spiritual and religious traditions to highlight the spiritual and ethical dimensions of the relationship between women and nature. Social ecofeminism emphasizes the social and political dimensions of the relationship between women and nature and advocates for social justice and equal rights for women and marginalized groups. Materialist ecofeminism focuses on the material and economic dimensions of the relationship between women and nature and critiques the capitalist economic system that prioritizes profit over environmental and social concerns.

Margaret Atwood's works are often seen as exemplary of ecofeminist literature, as they address ecological and feminist issues and offer critical perspectives on contemporary society. In the following section, we will examine the formation of Atwood's ecofeminist awareness and how it informs her portrayal of the relationships between women, nature, and society in The Handmaid's Tale.
2.2 The Formation of Margaret Atwood’s Ecofeminist Awareness
2.2.1 The Formation of Margaret Atwood’s Ecological Awareness
2.2.2 The Formation of Margaret Atwood’s Feminist Sensitivity
3 Twin Oppressions of Nature and Women
3.1 The Destruction of Nature
3.1.1 Man’s attitude towards nature in patriarchal history
3.1.2 Ecological crisis in The Handmaid's Tale
3.2 Men's Oppression of Women
3.2.1 Women’s Victimized Position in Gilead
3.2.2 Women’s Rights Deprived By Men
3.3 The Root Cause for Twin Oppressions of Nature and Women
4 Nature and Women’s Rebellions
4.1The Revenge from Nature
4.2 The Rebellion of the Handmaids
5 Conclusion
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