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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 14:54



热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 12:00

  If there is a bold alternative movie list in the general audience's opinion, well, in fact, in this championship, the American film rank is not high. However, European film must be the highest ranking. While in Europe, it is against. He had moved onto another movie when the number of Nordic films, Spanish films. Undoubtedly, the most famous was the director Almodovar and his work.
  Pedro - Pedro Almodovar is the second most famous director of Spain's film after the Louis-Bunuel. His film primarily reflects the post-Franco era of the Spanish. At the beginning of 1980's, Almodovar have created a one sensational, colorful image of the future from modern techniques to explore the nature of violence to religion, and even endanger the all aspects of social security of persons and things. Sometimes made people shocked, sometimes self-contradictory. Almodovar took advantage of his keen insight; sharply present the latest and most interesting aspect to everyone in front of an audience of Spain. He particularly was known for subtle into observation of women. Under the help of Spain's unique lively and magnificent mind, his work has become a symbol of the free spirit of Mediterranean-style, is recognized as the Spanish film master.
  Now, let us talk about something of his works-High-Heels Shoes
   ,christian louboution; "High heels" is his fifth film which shot in 1991. This works played a Latin style of his passion. The twists of fate and a high entertainment value made it successful. Let us see the story.
  In Pedro's opinion, the actress Victoria Aril is the best actress. She played TV anchor Leibeijia. In the movie, her mother is a star. There is a love-hate relationship between the feeling of Interlacing. In order to demonstrate that she is better than the mother, intentionally she married a TV reporter who her mother loves with. Unexpectedly, these two former lovers actually fall in love again. Lei Beijia kills her husband in huff. She also admits she is the murderer ring broadcasts news. On the other hand, the young judge has traced the murder of a glass ring and posing shemale and performing in a bar. Because of this time, he had sexual with Lei Beijia. For he is in charge of this case, they become closer. Finally, Lei Beijia in prison after pleading guilty while the mother burst angina. Before dying she punished for a crime for her daughter. And Lei Beijia lives with the judge.
  The director has not directed at the murder for such a sensational subject, and even he has quite casually described it. On the contrary, in the beginning of the film, the director let the daughter remind the events about her mother and her at the airport when she waiting her mother. Thus this lays the tone of psychoanalysis of this film. Out the atmosphere of the artistic film, the male and female had a very bold passion playing the film.
  We note that mother and daughter's heels: the mother has been wearing red; daughter is not a black-hole. Two pairs of high heels imply the identity and fate of two people. Christian Louboutin shoes are famous for its red sole. The red means sex, attractive.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-21 12:01

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