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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 13:59



热心网友 时间:2023-10-19 18:00

3) bid and payment
Bid, the Taobao auction has a bid price and the option of two ways. Taobao's proxy bidding system will bid with other buyers to compare bids. The rate of increase of its buyers is allowed to remain at the highest bidder or to win the status of items. The proxy bidding system will bid up to function to enter the buyer until the maximum bid amount. System in accordance with the single-buyer bid items bid amount and the order of choice. If there are two items the buyer has the same single price, while buyers bid earlier priority. If the number of other buyers for the remaining items of the highest bid price of the high bid will be exceeded. May only need to pay much more than the maximum amount of the lowest. In short, the more the number of bids have to pay the same price, the price buyers are in the lowest successful bid in the bid; obtained the highest bidder to purchase the number of times higher than the price of the remainder of the number of persons, and so on; encountered were the same price , the first priority bidder. In addition, the winner of the last one may refuse to purchase does not meet the required number of baby.
TaoBao the "Home", its function and usage of the basic and the "eBay," the same, but TaoBao addition to the "Home", there are payment buyers and sellers consultations.
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