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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 04:32



热心网友 时间:2024-02-24 01:34

Despite the recent 16th Olympic Games host city in the post-Olympic period varying degrees of economic development emerged fluctuations, but Beijing and the previous Olympic host cities, which stage of development, the process of urbanization, cities of its own characteristics as well as the external environment is fundamentally different from Beijing after the economy remains in the Olympic Games will continue to maintain a faster and better development.
1, conditions, the Urban different situation. Beijing is in a "preliminary threshold of the middle ranks of the developed to the level of developed into" stage, the large volume of resident population, the consumer market has not yet saturated, and a rise in the overall level of China's development stage.
2, Beijing economy has its own inherent characteristics. SONG Yu revealed that Olympic venues and related facilities on the amount of investment the average annual investment growth of only 0.6 percent, not part of the "mainstream." At the same time, rapid growth in consumption is the motive force for upgrading the consumption structure, the proportion of service consumption rising rapidly. This structure will not change after the Olympic Games.
3, the Olympic Games organizing model and the government has made development of the strategic plan for urban and rural areas and Manpower, will be stable economic development after the Olympic Games. In organizing model, thrifty Olympics, and make complex, 31 stadiums in 2 / 3 for expansion and temporary construction.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-24 01:34

Although the nearly six session of Olympic Games sponsored the city toappear the unlation in the after Olympic Games time economydevelopment varying degree, but Beijing and the former years OlympicGames sponsored the city to compare, located the development phase,the urbanized advancement, the city own characteristic as well as theexternal environment and so on has fundamentally is different, theBeijing economy still could continue after Olympic Games to maintainquickly the good development.
1, the national condition, the market conditions are different.Beijing is being in "initially strides in the medium developed ranks,makes great strides forward the stage to the developed level",resident population quantity big, the expense market not yet issaturated, and is in our country level of development whole rise thestage.
2, the Beijing economy has own intrinsic characteristic. The Songspace disclosed that, the Olympic Games field hall as well as thecorrelation facility investment amount the influence which grows tothe yearly average investment only in 0.6%, certainly does not belongto "the mainstream". At the same time, expends the fast growth theagent to lie in the consumption pattern to promote, service expenseproportion rapid rise. This structure cannot after Olympic Gameschanges.
3, Olympic Games' preparation pattern and the government already madestrategic plan and so on city and countryside overall plandevelopment, after will stabilize Olympic Games the economicaldevelopment. In the preparation pattern, thriftily holds OlympicGames, plans the peaceful ostentation hall, in 31 fields halls has 2/3for to change the extension and near constructs.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-24 01:35

Despite the recent 16th Olympic Games host city in the post-Olympic period varying degrees of economic development emerged fluctuations, but Beijing and the previous Olympic host cities, which stage of development, the process of urbanization, cities of its own characteristics as well as the external environment is fundamentally different from Beijing after the economy remains in the Olympic Games will continue to maintain a faster and better development.
1, conditions, the Urban different situation. Beijing is in a "preliminary threshold of the middle ranks of the developed to the level of developed into" stage, the large volume of resident population, the consumer market has not yet saturated, and a rise in the overall level of China's development stage.
2, Beijing economy has its own inherent characteristics. SONG Yu revealed that Olympic venues and related facilities on the amount of investment the average annual investment growth of only 0.6 percent, not part of the "mainstream." At the same time, rapid growth in consumption is the motive force for upgrading the consumption structure, the proportion of service consumption rising rapidly. This structure will not change after the Olympic Games.
3, the Olympic Games organizing model and the government has made development of the strategic plan for urban and rural areas and Manpower, will be stable economic development after the Olympic Games. In organizing model, thrifty Olympics, and make complex, 31 stadiums in 2 / 3 for expansion and temporary construction.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-24 01:36


热心网友 时间:2024-02-24 01:36

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