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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 10:22



热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 01:02

1) First of all, under that philosophy. We take 54 Movement of view, before the Fourth Movement, the ruling class and the concept of unity of thought of ordinary people to look forward, such as respect for hole re-gift. And 54 after the opposite. When thinking back (future) look, the more easily absorb Western science and technology to enrich themselves, such as bombs and one satellite's contributions are 54 times their birth, from an early age exposed to 54 spirit, contributed to science after achievement. Look at 54 before the thought, Confucianism, Taoism, both for the philosophy of the outcome of the Spring and Autumn Period, the discussion of the relationship between the object to the ruling class, its economic foundation for the farming, the political foundation for the centralization of power, and eventually evolved into the court fight (rule class struggle between the senior strategy). I want to say is that 54 former thoughts, all efforts to promote the evolution of the relationship between people, rather than focus on the people and tools (technology) the relationship between the evolution of China's man of such ideas has created a sense of achievement have neglected the development of science and technology.

2) followed by political and economic systems. Old ruling class in modern China have adopted a centralized political system, the economy, particularly the issue of property ownership, the provisions of our ruling classes are state-owned property. Please note that the property rights, not use rights. In contrast the West, in the eighteenth century with the steam engine, a large number of private entrepreneurs in the possession of private property rights, which provided for creation of personal wealth protection and wealth of advanced proctive forces will bring added value, making the private sector family has a strong desire to develop science and technology. Often mutual penetration of political and economic, technological revolution, often affects a new round of political revolution, which is often grass-roots democracy to resist exploitation, and the first to have advanced science and technology in society, and the ruling class "that" it has control of the primary democracy, not the development of advanced science and technology needs. If in an open and democratic political system under the science and technology more easily from the hands of the people was born. If not opened in a democracy, private property, ruling class down to the very strong suppression, so that the possibility of bottom-up technological revolution proced a small, but even in this society, a large amount of political revolution, but also no nothing to do with the technological revolution. From then on in, we can see the general.

3) Finally, science and technology itself. For those of us students, the science can be understood as science and technology can be understood as engineering. Ancient and Modern China, outstanding inventors who often have a particular desire for technology, but on pure research, the lack of attention. Here refers to the pure theory of mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects. We can also understand the ability of nature to transform the ability of nature than abstract. This makes China's science and technology, experience and technology into a road. Take the four great inventions for the cases of accidental invention of the firecracker on the fireworks can continue the development in recent years, almost entirely depends on the experimental experience, rather than theoretical exploration. Take the sphere of modern transportation, a car park planning standards depend on outstanding planning family planning in recent decades, the experience, rather than pure exploration planning. We can be seen, science and technology there is a certain distance between. When our inventors who lack the experimental environment, can not play the advantage of experience and technology of the time, you can not birth a new science and technology. The West starting with ancient Greece, on incessantly in the abstract model of nature, culminating in the Instrial Revolution to China's science and technology thrown behind.

Three points above each other through the. Such as the West continued to inherit the achievements of ancient Greece, such as democracy and mathematics achievement, which directly involves the political system and the relationship between science and technology itself.

Finally, I have to say point crap for. Attributed the development of modern Western science and lazy nature, and the Chinese may be more lazy, we are too lazy and Western competitions.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 01:02


热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 01:03

1) First of all, under that philosophy. We take 54 Movement of view, before the Fourth Movement, the ruling class and the concept of unity of thought of ordinary people to look forward, such as respect for hole re-gift. And 54 after the opposite. When thinking back (future) look, the more easily absorb Western science and technology to enrich themselves, such as bombs and one satellite's contributions are 54 times their birth, from an early age exposed to 54 spirit, contributed to science after achievement. Look at 54 before the thought, Confucianism, Taoism, both for the philosophy of the outcome of the Spring and Autumn Period, the discussion of the relationship between the object to the ruling class, its economic foundation for the farming, the political foundation for the centralization of power, and eventually evolved into the court fight (rule class struggle between the senior strategy). I want to say is that 54 former thoughts, all efforts to promote the evolution of the relationship between people, rather than focus on the people and tools (technology) the relationship between the evolution of China's man of such ideas has created a sense of achievement have neglected the development of science and technology.

2) followed by political and economic systems. Old ruling class in modern China have adopted a centralized political system, the economy, particularly the issue of property ownership, the provisions of our ruling classes are state-owned property. Please note that the property rights, not use rights. In contrast the West, in the eighteenth century with the steam engine, a large number of private entrepreneurs in the possession of private property rights, which provided for creation of personal wealth protection and wealth of advanced proctive forces will bring added value, making the private sector family has a strong desire to develop science and technology. Often mutual penetration of political and economic, technological revolution, often affects a new round of political revolution, which is often grass-roots democracy to resist exploitation, and the first to have advanced science and technology in society, and the ruling class "that" it has control of the primary democracy, not the development of advanced science and technology needs. If in an open and democratic political system under the science and technology more easily from the hands of the people was born. If not opened in a democracy, private property, ruling class down to the very strong suppression, so that the possibility of bottom-up technological revolution proced a small, but even in this society, a large amount of political revolution, but also no nothing to do with the technological revolution. From then on in, we can see the general.

3) Finally, science and technology itself. For those of us students, the science can be understood as science and technology can be understood as engineering. Ancient and Modern China, outstanding inventors who often have a particular desire for technology, but on pure research, the lack of attention. Here refers to the pure theory of mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects. We can also understand the ability of nature to transform the ability of nature than abstract. This makes China's science and technology, experience and technology into a road. Take the four great inventions for the cases of accidental invention of the firecracker on the fireworks can continue the development in recent years, almost entirely depends on the experimental experience, rather than theoretical exploration. Take the sphere of modern transportation, a car park planning standards depend on outstanding planning family planning in recent decades, the experience, rather than pure exploration planning. We can be seen, science and technology there is a certain distance between. When our inventors who lack the experimental environment, can not play the advantage of experience and technology of the time, you can not birth a new science and technology. The West starting with ancient Greece, on incessantly in the abstract model of nature, culminating in the Instrial Revolution to China's science and technology thrown behind.

Three points above each other through the. Such as the West continued to inherit the achievements of ancient Greece, such as democracy and mathematics achievement, which directly involves the political system and the relationship between science and technology itself.

Finally, I have to say point crap for. Attributed the development of modern Western science and lazy nature, and the Chinese may be more lazy, we are too lazy and Western competitions.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-14 01:04

1) First of all, under that philosophy. We take 54 Movement of view, before the Fourth Movement, the ruling class and the concept of unity of thought of ordinary people to look forward, such as respect for hole re-gift. And 54 after the opposite. When thinking back (future) look, the more easily absorb Western science and technology to enrich themselves, such as bombs and one satellite's contributions are 54 times their birth, from an early age exposed to 54 spirit, contributed to science after achievement. Look at 54 before the thought, Confucianism, Taoism, both for the philosophy of the outcome of the Spring and Autumn Period, the discussion of the relationship between the object to the ruling class, its economic foundation for the farming, the political foundation for the centralization of power, and eventually evolved into the court fight (rule class struggle between the senior strategy). I want to say is that 54 former thoughts, all efforts to promote the evolution of the relationship between people, rather than focus on the people and tools (technology) the relationship between the evolution of China's man of such ideas has created a sense of achievement have neglected the development of science and technology.

2) followed by political and economic systems. Old ruling class in modern China have adopted a centralized political system, the economy, particularly the issue of property ownership, the provisions of our ruling classes are state-owned property. Please note that the property rights, not use rights. In contrast the West, in the eighteenth century with the steam engine, a large number of private entrepreneurs in the possession of private property rights, which provided for creation of personal wealth protection and wealth of advanced proctive forces will bring added value, making the private sector family has a strong desire to develop science and technology. Often mutual penetration of political and economic, technological revolution, often affects a new round of political revolution, which is often grass-roots democracy to resist exploitation, and the first to have advanced science and technology in society, and the ruling class "that" it has control of the primary democracy, not the development of advanced science and technology needs. If in an open and democratic political system under the science and technology more easily from the hands of the people was born. If not opened in a democracy, private property, ruling class down to the very strong suppression, so that the possibility of bottom-up technological revolution proced a small, but even in this society, a large amount of political revolution, but also no nothing to do with the technological revolution. From then on in, we can see the general.

3) Finally, science and technology itself. For those of us students, the science can be understood as science and technology can be understood as engineering. Ancient and Modern China, outstanding inventors who often have a particular desire for technology, but on pure research, the lack of attention. Here refers to the pure theory of mathematics, physics and chemistry subjects. We can also understand the ability of nature to transform the ability of nature than abstract. This makes China's science and technology, experience and technology into a road. Take the four great inventions for the cases of accidental invention of the firecracker on the fireworks can continue the development in recent years, almost entirely depends on the experimental experience, rather than theoretical exploration. Take the sphere of modern transportation, a car park planning standards depend on an outstanding experience in planning family planning in recent decades, rather than pure exploration planning. We can be seen, science and technology there is a certain distance between. When our inventors who lack the experimental environment, can not play the advantage of experience and technology of the time, you can not birth a new science and technology. The West starting with ancient Greece, on incessantly in the abstract model of nature, culminating in the Instrial Revolution to China's science and technology thrown behind.

Three points above each other through the. Such as the West continued to inherit the achievements of ancient Greece, such as democracy and mathematics achievement, which directly involves the political system and the relationship between science and technology itself.

Finally, I have to say point crap for. Attributed the development of modern Western science and lazy nature, and the Chinese may be more lazy, we are too lazy and Western competitions.
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