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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 06:08



热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 03:47

看我的完整版 绝对准确完整!!

I'm diggin' with my fingertips
I'm ripping at the ground I stand upon
I'm searchin' for fragile bones
I'm never gonna be refined
Keep tryin' but I won't assimilate
Sure, we have come far in time
(Watch the bow break)

And I'm sorry I don't believe
By the evidence that I see
That there's any hope left for me

It's evolution...
Just evolution...

And I
I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here, it's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die?
I'm dominated by
This animal that's locked up inside

Close up to get a real good view
I'm betting that the species will survive
Hold tight, I'm getting inside you
And when we're gonna find these bones
They're gonna wanna keep them in a jar
The number one virus caused by

And the planet may go astray
In a million years, I say
'Cause mother*ers, we're all derranged

It's evolution...
Just evolution...

And I
I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here, it's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die?
I'm dominated by
This animal that's locked up inside

Take a look around
Nothing much has changed
Take a look around
Nothing much has changed

Take a look around
Take a look around
Take a look around
(Nothing much has changed)
Take a look around
Take a look around
(Nothing much has changed)
Take a look around
Take a look around
(Nothing much has changed)
Take a look around

I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here, it's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die?
I'm dominated by
This animal that's locked up inside

Why do I deserve to die?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 03:47


I'm digging with my fingertips
I'm ripping at the ground I stand upon
I'm searching for fragile bones
I'm never gonna be refined
Keep trying but I won't assimilate
Shouldn't come that far in time

And I'm sorry I don't believe
By the evidence that I see
That there's any hope left for me

It's evolution
Just evolution

And I
I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here
It's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die
This animal that's locked up inside

Close up to get a real good view
I'm betting that the species will survive
Look's like I'm getting inside you
And when we're gonna find these bones
They're gonna wanna keep them in a jar
The number one virus caused by

And the planet may go astray
In a million years they'll say
Those mother*ers were all deranged

It's evolution
Just evolution

And I
I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here
It's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die
This animal that's locked up inside

Take a look around
Nothing much has changed
Take a look around
Nothing much has changed

Take a look around
Take a look around
Take a look around
Looking for some change
Take a look around
Take a look around
Looking for some change
Take a look around
Take a look around
Looking for some change
Take a look around

I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here
It's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die
This animal that's locked up inside

Why do I deserve to die

热心网友 时间:2023-10-08 03:47


I'm digging with my fingertips
I'm ripping at the ground I stand upon
I'm searching for fragile bones
I'm never gonna be refined
Keep trying but I won't assimilate
Shouldn't come that far in time

And I'm sorry I don't believe
By the evidence that I see
That there's any hope left for me
This animal that's locked up inside

Close up to get a real good view
I'm betting that the species will survive
Look's like I'm getting inside you
And when we're gonna find these bones
They're gonna wanna keep them in a jar
The number one virus caused by

And the planet may go astray
In a million years they'll say
Those mother*ers were all deranged

It's evolution
Just evolution

And I
I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here
It's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die
This animal that's locked up inside

Take a look around
Nothing much has changed
Take a look around
Nothing much has changed

Take a look around
Take a look around
Take a look around
Looking for some change
Take a look around
Take a look around
Looking for some change
Take a look around
Take a look around
Looking for some change
Take a look around

I do not dare deny
The basic beast inside
It's right here
It's controlling my mind
And why
Do I deserve to die
This animal that's locked up inside

Why do I deserve to die
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