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一首女的唱的英文歌 歌词中一直有 It doesn't matter where you are

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 05:55



热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:22

My Boyfriend Is Gay - Hailey Rowe

It happened on a Monday
It was my baby's birthday
I wanted to surprise him he deserved a treat
He said he'd be late working
He'd call me when he's leaving
Off I went to get him something
Ain't I just too sweet
So I cruised downtown to Armani
To find him something trendy
And realized that my jimmy Choos were killing me
So I text the girls from my car
Meet me at Eleven Bar
We made quite an entrance
That's when I got punked
My boyfriend is gay
I know it sounds cliché
That everybody saw right through this guy but me
My boyfriend is gay
Should've known by the way
He tivoed every episode of RHOC
My boyfriend is gay
He was really such a great guy, but I saw him with another guy
His favorite color was turquoise and he always drank chocolatinis through a straw
My boyfriend is gay
I didn't really mean to spy, but I saw him with another guy

You should've seen his place and he cried more than me at every chick flick that we saw
(say) la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Fast forward to next Friday
It's not like I've been crying
Deep down I think I must have knew it all along
Maybe it was his Cher playlist
Or his craving to be A-list
Or how he knew the words to every Britney song (oh baby, baby)
Perhaps it was that poodle

Or those cheese filled strudels
He used to dip into his Frappuccino grand
Well I must have just been kidding
Myself into thinking
I was more than him experimenting

My boyfriend is gay
I know it sounds cliché
That everybody saw right through this guy but me
My boyfriend is gay
Should've known by the way
He tivoed every episode of RHOC
My boyfriend is gay
He was really such a great guy, but I saw him with another guy
His favorite color was turquoise and he always drank chocolatinis through a straw
My boyfriend is gay
I didn't really mean to spy, but I saw him with another guy

You should've seen his place and he cried more than me at every chick flick that we saw
(say) la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
one time la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
Well, It happened on a Monday
No it wasn't such a fun day
When I finally realized what I always knew
My boyfriend is gay

His favorite color was turquoise and he always drank chocolatinis through a straw

My boyfriend is gay
You should've seen his place and he cried more than me at every chick flick that we saw

(say) la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
My boyfriend is gay
la la la la la la la la la la la la la la la
My boyfriend is gay

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:22

应该是Alison Krauss唱的It Doesn't Matter吧?

热心网友 时间:2023-10-05 13:23

In the end(Tommee profitt)
我家露台新买的塑料大花盆,想花盆时间耐久,咨询可有材料什么油漆类或涂... 和已婚情人分手了。我把他的微信删了,他没有删我的。而且也没有发动态... 和同事情人分手后,我删了他微信,现在复合了,他没加我,悬什么意思?我加... 好朋友的前任是个什么样的人? 难忘的校园生活 作文不少于600字 以记叙为主,其它格式不限 特色养殖和普通养殖哪个更有发展前景 什么养殖业最赚钱 特种动物养殖专业就业方向与就业前景怎么样 特种动物养殖专业的就业问题有哪些? 特种动物养殖专业就业前景及方向 新飞冰箱显示间室12然后一直闪烁,什么意思 佟丽娅 恋恋不忘第六集喝酒时的英文歌是什么 这首歌陪伴我度过高三,英文 武汉阿玛尼水晶宫DJ-RainVsDJKyo<伤感情歌>最后结尾的英文... 好听的歌~! 如果把同样的小正方形组成个土字已知每一个正方形边长是3这个图形周长是多少? 土字旁加方字念什么 华为手机,我设置了两个桌面,不小心删掉一个,要怎么找回来? 做什么小生意最赚钱啊啊 啊 三个方在上面 下面一个土是什么字? 三个方一个土念什么 我的手机设置不小心删了,现在怎么安装? 手机设置不小心删了怎么找回来 现在做什么生意才是最好的又是最赚钱的呢? 在一个三级的小城市。开什么样的店投资少。赚钱快啊 现代物业管理的图书目录 交易猫解除支付宝绑定还会封支付宝吗 推荐几本物业管理行业的经典书籍? 帮忙推荐几本物业管理类的书籍 有关物业管理的书 新飞冰箱上面不制冷出现闪灯间室12是什么意思? 新飞冰箱冷藏室和冷冻室之间的隔板起热正常吗 现在还可以自己提升学历吗? sony录像机怎么从三脚架拿下来急 鬼屋寻女游戏 摄像机怎么拿呀? 怎么样拿摄像机会不累,还显得姿势比较专业 租房信息 湖南新化公租房摇号时间 新化县上梅镇上田廉租房建安工程是怎么一回事,给芦茅江煤矿安置了,那上田村的村民又去何方安置? 农村户口和城镇户口退休工资一样吗 农村哪三类人有退休金 部分农村的老人没有退休金,那这些老人靠什么来养老呢? 农村老人为什么就没有退休金码? 以"善行校园,善行师生"为主题写作文怎样写 现在农村没有退休金的60岁的人群,其经济来源是什么? 善行河美在校园的作文小学三年级作文。 请问农民种粮食有没有退休金呢? 2016善行河北作文1000字 农民种粮食有没有退休金? 作文崇德善行要感人