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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 07:44



热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:37

1. your sucralose does drinking water is used in the proction
process? Testing yet? How long the test? Did he comply with local law
requirements? Purification of water used in the proction process, according to
the Chinese Pharmacopoeia requirements detection, purification of water quality
in line with the Chinese Pharmacopoeia requirements to meet drinking water
standards, the company quality assurance testing, while also sending external
detection. Pure rooms total, total back to and tank testing inspection once a
week, workshop each detection point inspection once a month, third party testing
is testing once a year
2. how to prevent chemical hazards ring proction?
Such as allergens, disinfectant, toxic substances (such as migrating from the
packaging), pesticides, heavy metals, antibiotics? All using chemical raw
materials in the proction process, no animal raw materials of domestic plants,
so there is no hazard of pesticides and antibiotics, allergen-free hazard.
Expressly set forth disinfectant concentration and frequency of use, and
regularly check the usage. Were included in the hazard analysis on the hazard
analysis of packaging material, all bags must be in food grade packaging
materials and packaging materials procurement to each batch plant must be
detected by the QA sampling, sampling QC, QA department release must be reported
as finished. Prevent harm to physical or chemical or other proct packaging
materials. Hazard analysis of the proction of all raw materials used,
including heavy metals, for focus, the key raw material for heavy metal
detection, ensure that their heavy metal content must conform to the technical
requirements of the standard. Antibiotics are not used in the proction process
raw materials.
3. how to prevent physical harm in the proction process? Such
as pests, hair, glass, wood, metal? Entrance and finishing, drying and packing
and general area for proction workshop runway killing lamp is installed,
proction cloth mouse pad. Warehouse equipped with the killing lights, rat and
mouse plate to prevent rat pest. Rat pest control files are in place, QA
supervision and inspection in accordance with this file execution Lamp shields,
glass has explosion-proof membrane, preventing harm proct Establish a metal
weapon list for each workshop, and checking every day, do a check record All
incoming and outgoing finishing, drying and packing a clean area must wear clean
clothing, hats, masks and clean shoes, washing, disinfection to enter. Workshop
site such as wooden pallets are not allowed.
4. how to prevent microbiological
hazards in the proction process? Such as Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus
aureus, Bacillus cereus Enterobacteriaceae, mycotoxins No animal or vegetable
raw materials in the proction process and proction process is chemical
synthesis process, PH and temperature environment of proction does not make in
microbial proction and inventory, the company quality assurance process water
and microbial detection procts on a regular basis.
5. dealing with a sieve:
foreign body contamination? Sieve mesh number is how much? In the process used
to sieve? Of sucralose proction process screen sieve mesh 16-100 purpose.
Sieve and use prior to use has to check its integrity, to clean the screen after
each screening.
6. a few steps in the proction process is how long to heat
heating? Temperature? Esterification of high temperature autoclave liquid
warming to 110~115℃ chloride, keep the temperature a certain amount of time,
pour and kettle Removal of DMF heating under vacuum removal of DMF Deacetylation
enrichment: dehydration under vacuum, and serve into the crystallization
7. step in the proction process is sterilized? Time? Temperature?
Officers must change clothes before entering the finishing, drying and packing
in clean area, washing hand and disinfection. After each batch of material
proction, the proction equipment must be cleaned, disinfected.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:37

亲,你这么长的段落,还是专业英语,不给个200分估计是没有人会翻译的。追问我百度知道只有那么多分 么的200分啊 不行的话 我可以网银转账人民币的哦

热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:38

真的是很小气,估计200分都没有人帮你呢追问亲啊 我不是小气啊 我的分没有200 不行的话 我用网银转账人民币给亲


热心网友 时间:2023-10-10 06:39

北京协和售后 spcp代收费是什么 Doppelherz/双心 铁元营养口服液 500ml-详细介绍 淘宝阿尔卑斯店的德国铁元怎么样? 后面的肩膀缝疼因为什么 刮痧后一躺下肩膀疼的要命 “亭台六七座”的出处是哪里 mahini 是什么意思? 外阴溃烂了怎么办 外阴溃疡,溃疡处伤口不愈合,可以用什么药 阿迪走珠水哪款气味最淡最好闻? 英语盲,有谁帮我翻译一下 一、简答题 hypersensitivity和 allergy的区别 别人给我微信语音通话我这边没有反应 给我说说中考的体育考试,立定跳远怎么在两个星期内练出来,我现在只能跳... 为什么我的微信别人打语音或者视频过来没有提示音,设置的通知声也打开了,为什么还是没声音?为什么别人_百度问一问 路由器重启后手机无线网可以连接,但是电脑连不上,账号密码都没了 我昨天重启了路由器后,电脑也可以上网,本来wifi也是设置有密码的,我忘记用户名,和密码,我就重启 为什么每次重启,都要重新填无线网络连接的密码 Tenda无线网卡为什么每次关机重启后都要重新输入密码呢? 安装完无线网卡驱动后重新启动电脑提示输入用户名和密码,怎么解决啊? 断网了我把路由器重启了重新设置那里要填用户名和密码我不知道怎么办 重启电脑后宽带账号密码都不见了,现在登陆不上,无线网也不能用,怎么办 微信支付音箱开关建不官 请玩3D彩票的朋友出个高招,以下这些数据怎样转换成单列。 是什么是什么语言 乐刷支付播报音响无法连接网络 头疼喉咙疼吃啥药 前几天抽烟多了,然后第二天就喉咙不舒服,然后就鼻子也不通了,喉咙干 痒 。买了几天的药,有金嗓子, 请高手帮忙翻译这段英语,谢谢!!! 走珠香水的缺点 高尔夫7迎迎宾灯在99线路上怎么接线 翻译, 中翻英 铰链FGV、海福乐和百隆五金哪个品牌好,分别价格怎么样? 吃什么对皮肤不好 european series什么意思 高尔夫除了GTI是不是还有个其他高性能版的? 支票保管和支票保管领用簿填写是否可由出纳完成? 关于鼻后滴漏 一汽大众所有车型的车架代码 橱柜铰链德国泰特斯+奥地利百隆+德国海蒂诗+意大利萨里奇哪个牌子好_百度问一问 德国苏尔铰链怎么样,与海蒂诗的比较呢? 支票领用登记簿签字问题 支票作废该如何处理?出纳自己开票需要填支票领用薄吗? 发票已到,支票付款,还用填支票领用登记簿吗 我在河南洛阳,看了欧诺厨柜,他们说配的是华纳石英石台面,吉林森工露水河18厚柜体板,德国克诺斯邦双... 穿裙子的小男子汉读后感350〜400字! 说说我的心里话作文一篇 我要对对子