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中翻英 有关汇率~

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 15:47



热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 01:55

On July 21, 2005, China began to implement based on market supply and demand, reference "1" to adjust a basket of currencies, managed floating exchange rate system. RMB exchange rate peg no single $1, a more flexible RMB exchange rate mechanism. The new renminbi exchange rate mechanism, central Banks to maintain reasonable RMB exchange rate in the basic stability of equilibrium level. But can foresee the future of China's exchange rate changes will accelerate the frequency, wave amplitude will expand export enterprise, zhejiang face an increased risk of exchange rate. Foreign exchange risk prevention and management has become the enterprise must confront and resolve the important topic. Enterprises shall earnestly study the new situation of the types and characteristics of exchange rate risk, choose aggrandizement rate risk management strategy. This essay analyses the present rate constant change will face the export enterprise, zhejiang province, and puts forward some positive measures to avoid the risk of exchange rate and the suggestion.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 01:55

July 21, 2005, China began to implement the basis of market supply and demand with reference to "one basket of currencies" regulated, managed floating exchange rate mechanism. RMB exchange rate one U.S. dollars will no longer be pegged one-to form a more flexible RMB exchange rate mechanism. The new RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, the central bank to continue to maintain a reasonable balance of the RMB exchange rate basically stable level.

However, the future of our country can be expected the frequency of changes in currency exchange rates will be accelerated, the fluctuation range will be expanded, Zhejiang exporters face increased risk of exchange rate.
Foreign exchange risk prevention and management has become a business must face and resolve important issues. Enterprises should carefully study the new situation and the type of exchange rate risk characteristics of the exchange rate to strengthen selection and effective risk management strategy. This paper analyzes the changing exchange rates under the current export enterprises in Zhejiang Province will be faced with the status quo, and to make a positive measure to avoid exchange rate risks and recommendations.

热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 01:56


热心网友 时间:2023-10-23 01:57

July 21, 2005, China began to implement the basis of market supply and demand with reference to "one basket of currencies" regulated, managed floating exchange rate mechanism. RMB exchange rate one U.S. dollars will no longer be pegged one-to form a more flexible RMB exchange rate mechanism. The new RMB exchange rate formation mechanism, the central bank to continue to maintain a reasonable balance of the RMB exchange rate basically stable level.

However, the future of our country can be expected the frequency of changes in currency exchange rates will be accelerated, the fluctuation range will be expanded, Zhejiang exporters face increased risk of exchange rate.
Foreign exchange risk prevention and management has become a business must face and resolve important issues. Enterprises should carefully study the new situation and the type of exchange rate risk characteristics of the exchange rate to strengthen selection and effective risk management strategy. This paper analyzes the changing exchange rates under the current export enterprises in Zhejiang Province will be faced with the status quo, and to make a positive measure to avoid exchange rate risks and recommendations.
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