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Shinedown-Second Chance的歌词中英文

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-14 18:50



热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 14:27


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 14:27

my eyes are open wide
by the way
i made it through the day
i watch the world outside
bye the way
i am leaving out today
by the way
i just saw halley's comet said
why are you always running in place
even the man in the moon disappeared
somewhere in this stratosphere
tell my mother tell my father
i have done the best i can
to make them realize
this is my life
i hope they understand
i am not angry i am just saying
sometimes good bye is a second chance
please don't cry one tear for me
i'm not afraid of what i have to say
this is my one and only voice
for today so listen close
i just saw halley's comets said
why you always running in place
even the man on the moon disappeared
somewhere in this stratosphere
tell my mother tell my father
i have done the best i can
to make them realize
this is my life
i hope they understand
i am not angry
i am just saying
sometimes goodbye is a second chance
here is my chance
this is my chance
tell my mother tell my father
i've done the best i can
to make them realize
this is my life
i hope they understand
i am not angry i am just saying
sometimes goodbye is a second chance
sometimes goodbye is a second chance
sometimes goodbye is a second chance

热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 14:27


热心网友 时间:2023-10-24 14:27

my eyes are open wide
by the way
i made it through the day
i watch the world outside
bye the way
i am leaving out today
by the way
i just saw halley's comet said
why are you always running in place
even the man in the moon disappeared
somewhere in this stratosphere
tell my mother tell my father
i have done the best i can
to make them realize
this is my life
i hope they understand
i am not angry i am just saying
sometimes good bye is a second chance
please don't cry one tear for me
i'm not afraid of what i have to say
this is my one and only voice
for today so listen close
i just saw halley's comets said
why you always running in place
even the man on the moon disappeared
somewhere in this stratosphere
tell my mother tell my father
i have done the best i can
to make them realize
this is my life
i hope they understand
i am not angry
i am just saying
sometimes goodbye is a second chance
here is my chance
this is my chance
tell my mother tell my father
i've done the best i can
to make them realize
this is my life
i hope they understand
i am not angry i am just saying
sometimes goodbye is a second chance
sometimes goodbye is a second chance
sometimes goodbye is a second chance
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