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发布网友 发布时间:2022-04-21 19:57



热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:54

翻译: 中文 » 英语
DZG(F) 型给料机使用说明书 1.用途及简介 DZG(F)型自同步惯性振动给料机广泛适用于冶金、矿山、煤炭、建材、电力、粮食、和化工等行业,用以把块状、颗粒状及粉状物料从贮料仓或漏斗中均匀连续或定量的给到受料装置中去;例如将破碎机、筛分设备、运输机械、包装机械等散装物料输送到指定地点。 2.工作原理与结构特征该给料机的运动给单质量强迫振动系统,激振器为一对带有偏心块的振动电机。其利用振动电机驱动异向自同步理论进行工作;沿激振夹角作抛掷运动而使给料槽产生振动,槽体的运动诡计为直线;给料机的给料过程是以给料槽沿倾斜方向作往复直线振动来实现的;当槽体振动加速度的分量大于重力加速度在垂直槽底方向的分量时,槽中物料被抛起,并按抛物线的轨迹向前进行跳跃运动,槽体每振动一次,物料将被抛起一次;这样,物料连续以槽体振动频率向前跳跃,达到给料的目的。该给料机由槽体、弹簧减振装置和振动电机组成。其具有结构简单、处理量大、噪音低、能耗低、安装、操作、维修方便等特点。产品型号说明(翻译下面的名词): 1. 槽体长度(dm) 2. 槽体宽度(dm) 3. 封闭型(敞开型不注) 4. 给料机 5. 直线振动 6. 给料机 7. 主要性能及技术参数 8. DZG型给料机主要技术参数给料量、给料粒度、振频、功率、最大激振力、重量 9. DZG型给料机技术参数和外型尺寸主要安装尺寸 10.DZG型给料机主要安装尺寸
DZG (F)-feeder Manual
1. Purposes and briefings
DZG (F) self-synchronous inertial vibration feeder widely applicable to the metallurgical, mining, coal, building materials, electricity, food, and chemical instries, for the massive, granular and powdery materials from the storage bin or hopper In uniform for the quantitative or the device to give in to, for example, will be broken machines, screening equipment, transport machinery, packaging machinery, and other bulk materials transported to designated locations.
2. Principle and structural characteristics of
The feeder to the campaign-quality force vibration system, vibration for a pair of eccentric block with the vibration motor. Its use of different vibration motor drive to self-synchronization of work; angle along the exciting sport for throwing Liaocao而使to generate vibration, the trough of campaign tricks for a straight line;
Feeder to the process is expected to tilt the direction of Liaocao for reciprocating along a straight line to achieve the vibration when the trough of vibration acceleration is greater than the amount of vertical acceleration of gravity in the direction of the bottom component, the tank materials were Toss, And the parabolic trajectory forward to jumping movement, every vibration of a trough, the material will be Toss once, so that materials for a slot in frequency jump forward, expected to reach the objective.
The feeder from the trough of, spring and vibration damping device electrical components. Its simple structure, large capacity, low noise, low energy consumption, installation, operation, maintenance and other convenient features.
Model (translation of the following terms):
1. Trough in length (dm)
2. Groove width (dm)
3. Closed (not open-Note)
4. Feeder
5. Linear vibration
6. Feeder
7. Major performance and technical parameters
8. DZG-feeder main technical parameters
To Liaoliang, feed particle size, vibration frequency, power, the most exciting force, weight
9. DZG-feeder technical parameters and size of appearance
Size main installation
10.DZG-feeder main installation size

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:54


1.槽体长度:cell length (单独说槽体:cell body )
2.槽体宽度:cell width (槽体厚度:cell thickness )
3.封闭型:enclosed type
5.直线震动:rectilinear vibration
6.自动给料机:self feeder
7.主要性能及技术参数:major performance & technique parameter
8.The major parameter of the DZG type feeder:
给料量:feeding quantity 给料粒度:feeding distribution 振频:frequency of vibration 功率:power 最大激振率:maximum energizing frequency 重量:weight
9.The specifications(规格)& boundary dimension of the DZG type feeder
主要安装尺寸:The major dimension to assemble
10. The major dimension to assemble of the DZG type feeder


热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:55

DZG (F)-feeder Manual

1. Purposes and briefings

DZG (F) self-synchronous inertial vibration feeder widely applicable to the metallurgical, mining, coal, building materials, electricity, food, and chemical instries, for the Massive, granular and powdery materials from the storage bin or hopper in uniform for the quantitative or the device to give in to, for example, will be broken machines, screening equipment, transport machinery, packaging hinery, and other bulk materials transported to designated locations .
The feeder from the trough of, spring and vibration damping device electrical components. Its simple structure, large capacity, low noise, low energy consumption, installation, operation, maintenance and other convenient features. Model (translation of the following terms):

2. Principle and structure

The feeder to the campaign-quality force vibration system, vibration for a pair of eccentric block with the vibration motor. Its use of different vibration motor drive to self-synchronization of work; angle along the exciting sport for throwing Liaocao to generate vibration, the trough of campaign tricks for a straight line;Feeder to the process is expected to tilt the direction of Liaocao for reciprocating along a straight line to achieve the vibration when the trough of vibration acceleration is greater than the amount of vertical acceleration of gravity in the direction of the bottom component, the tank materials were Toss, And the parabolic trajectory forward to jumping movement, every vibration of a trough, the material will be Toss once, so that materials for a slot in frequency jump forward, expected to reach the objective.

1. Trough in length (dm)
2. Groove width (dm)
3. Closed (not open-Note)
4. Feeder
5. Linear vibration
6. Feeder
7. Major performance and technical parameters
8. DZG-feeder to the main technical parameters Liaoliang, feed particle size, vibration frequency, power, the most exciting force, the weight
9. DZG-feeder technology Size and shape the main parameters of the installation size
10.DZG-feeder main installation size

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:55

1. 槽体长度(dm)
2. 槽体宽度(dm)
3. 封闭型(敞开型不注)
4. 给料机
5. 直线振动
6. 给料机
7. 主要性能及技术参数
8. DZG型给料机主要技术参数
9. DZG型给料机技术参数和外型尺寸

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:56

DZG (F)-feeder Manual

1. Purposes and briefings

DZG (F) self-synchronous inertial vibration feeder widely applicable to the metallurgical, mining, coal, building materials, electricity, food, and chemical instries, for the massive, granular and powdery materials from the storage bin or hopper In uniform for the quantitative or the device to give in to, for example, will be broken machines, screening equipment, transport machinery, packaging machinery, and other bulk materials transported to designated locations.

2. Principle and structural characteristics of

The feeder to the campaign-quality force vibration system, vibration for a pair of eccentric block with the vibration motor. Its use of different vibration motor drive to self-synchronization of work; angle along the exciting sport for throwing Liaocao而使to generate vibration, the trough of campaign tricks for a straight line;

Feeder to the process is expected to tilt the direction of Liaocao for reciprocating along a straight line to achieve the vibration when the trough of vibration acceleration is greater than the amount of vertical acceleration of gravity in the direction of the bottom component, the tank materials were Toss, And the parabolic trajectory forward to jumping movement, every vibration of a trough, the material will be Toss once, so that materials for a slot in frequency jump forward, expected to reach the objective.

The feeder from the trough of, spring and vibration damping device electrical components. Its simple structure, large capacity, low noise, low energy consumption, installation, operation, maintenance and other convenient features.

Model (translation of the following terms):

1. Trough in length (dm)

2. Groove width (dm)

3. Closed (not open-Note)

4. Feeder

5. Linear vibration

6. Feeder

7. Major performance and technical parameters

8. DZG-feeder main technical parameters

To Liaoliang, feed particle size, vibration frequency, power, the most exciting force, weight

9. DZG-feeder technical parameters and size of appearance

Size main installation

10.DZG-feeder main installation size

Do not use a direct translation tools, translation can be a simple place, to be precise terminology, such as online, well then the next one

热心网友 时间:2023-11-07 09:57

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