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发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-13 07:28



热心网友 时间:2024-02-21 11:54

Improve China's foreign-related economic system
Participation in the process of economic globalization, we must further reform and improve China's foreign-related economic system, in the foreign trade system, the use of foreign investment and expand foreign investment, the exchange rate system and the formation mechanism, as well as the progressive liberalization of capital account convertibility of RMB, etc. in accordance with the reform the current international rules and improved.
First of all, in foreign trade system reform, according to China's social and economic development, structural adjustment, as well as the need to join the World Trade Organization commitment to graally rece tariffs, rece and standardize the quota limit on the number of management, in accordance with the principle of non-discrimination against foreign procts and services to national treatment. At the same time, to learn from and use of international standards, and promote technical trade measures system, the effective implementation of health, safety, health and environmental protection inspection and quarantine and epidemic monitoring, prevention of harmful substances and biological immigrants through trade channels. In view of the current measures of trade protectionism in developed countries, and further establish and improve the anti-mping, countervailing and safeguard measures and other means to strengthen the foreign anti-mping, countervailing and responding to consultations, and safeguard China's enterprises in domestic and overseas markets legitimate rights and interests. Eligible to register the implementation of foreign trade management system, the progressive realization of liberalization of foreign trade enterprises of all types, the right to operate at the same time establish and improve the system of foreign trade and economic cooperation, give play to the role of intermediary organizations. In order to meet the accession to the World Trade Organization requirements, the current urgent need to lose no time in formulating and improving the foreign trade laws and regulations, increase the transparency of foreign trade policy, and establish and improve in line with international rules and China's national conditions of the foreign economic and trade system.
Secondly, in the use of foreign capital should continue to absorb foreign direct investment as a priority, and further improve the utilization of foreign investment policies, improve the investment environment, and graally to foreign-invested enterprises national treatment. In accordance with the accession to the World Trade Organization commitments, step-by-step liberalization of the banking, insurance, telecommunications, foreign trade, domestic trade, tourism and other service areas, foreign-invested enterprises on the progressive introction of national treatment, the development of a unified, standard and transparent access of foreign investment policy. In addition to national security and the economic lifeline of the importance of instries or enterprises, the lifting of other restrictions on the proportion of foreign shareholding enterprises. Encourage foreign investors, especially multinational corporations to participate in the reorganization and transformation of state-owned enterprises, invest in high-tech instries and export-oriented enterprises, and promote China's instrial restructuring and technological level, and actively explore the use of acquisition, merger, risk investment and investment funds in various ways to promote the use of foreign capital and state-owned enterprise property rights reform of the system. Policy guidance to encourage more foreign investment in central and western regions of the old instrial base, infrastructure construction, ecological construction and environmental protection, mineral and tourism resources development, development of competitive instries. Continue to make rational use of international financial organizations and foreign government loans, make good use of syndicated loans, financial leases, export credit and other international commercial loans. Strengthen the external debt of the whole-caliber management, strengthen the monitoring of external debt and short-term capital supervision, to maintain a reasonable scale of foreign debt, and optimize the debt structure, a sound borrowing also责权利uniform mechanism to guard against the risk of debt.

热心网友 时间:2024-02-21 11:55

扩散 让出 6 4 产物的是是魂牵梦萦地方在地方工业
海康威视监控怎么切换输入法 / 查查362 长沙400分能上什么高中 找一首歌的名字! 歌词有baby你就是我的唯一没有你我就活不下去好像是... “baby 你就是我的唯一”、这句歌词出自哪一首歌? ...千克的货物,叔叔们两次运完,平均每辆车每次运多少千? 十七 八岁 抽什么烟 超市运进840千克西瓜,用3量平板车,2次才能运完。平均每辆 这烟什么价 凸轮轴位置执行器控制电路电压低(缸组1b) ...颞叶,双侧额叶深部,侧脑室旁,半卵圆中心区缺血灶,轻度脑白质... 求WP and Funny Moments 76 中,5:04时的BGM http://www.bilibili.com/video/av5450428/ 形容“高雅”的诗句有哪些? 请问陆游的诗——示儿这首诗是什么意思?表达了作者怎样的思想感情? 少年就是少年他们看春风不喜看夏蝉不烦是什么意思? 半山听雨诗词是几年级学的 半山听雨歌词是什么意思 亚洲的地形特征是造成河流呈什么流向周边的海洋 亚洲河流流向!具体海洋!!! 亚洲河流流向特点是什么? 亚洲河流的流向大多是 亚洲的河流多发源于中部山地、高原,呈___状流向周边的海洋 受地形的影响,亚洲的大河多发源于中部(),呈()流向周边的海洋,源远流长。中南半岛的大城市主要分布 亚洲的河流多发源于什么山地高原呈什么状流向周边的海洋渊远流长? 李美琪档案 亚洲的河流呈 什么状向周边海洋? 亚洲的河流流向是什么? 李美琪美艳如初,有多国血统的她,感情经历都有哪些? 亚洲的河流都是自哪向哪流? 亚洲河流流向情况? 什么时候锻炼最好 早上晚上? 请给我几段100字的唯美句子,关于梦想或者励志的句子,注意,100字左右! 一段100字励志的话。急求要求原创!!!谢谢 三岁半孩子心理精神压力大成习惯性尿床怎么办 别克sgm651ata气车出现esp怎么处理 别克英朗行驶过程中突然显示发动机动力下降请检测电子稳定系统跳esc故障灯 ”搜狗输入法oppo版”正在录音是什么意思 给我点qq炫舞好听,好看的的英文带点中文的名字,最主要的是好听和好看,是英文的。 谁帮我想个好看的英文汉字组合的名字 拜托弄个好听好看滴英文名~最好与中文名有关联 中文名叫贺文军 男生 求一个CS生化好听好看的英文+汉字名字 想改个好看,好听的英文名字,中文叫周伟华. 本人 中文名字新爱(女) 帮忙起个好听 写起来好看的 英文名字 (有含义注明) 谢谢了! 为什么我下载了一个鼠标连点器电脑就老是自动关机 菩提老祖给孙悟空取了什么名字 菩提老祖给猴哥取名,为何要叫孙悟空? 孙悟空名字是注定的吗?为何菩提祖师取的名字在生死簿上? 无骨鸡爪如何做口感会变得更美味呢? 菩提祖师给美猴王取了什么姓名? 石猴拜入菩提老祖门下,菩提老祖赐了他一个名字,叫孙悟空! 投笔从戎的翻译