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人生最大的敌人是自己 英文版演讲稿 急用啊

发布网友 发布时间:2022-05-12 20:58



热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 15:06

Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
Today is a good day, and now is special occasion. Thank you so much for giving me this wonderful opportunity.I consider it a great honor to stand here to give a little speech.My tile is the real enemy in our life is ourselves.
In our China, there goes a saying that if someone can't swep a house by himself, then he can't conquer the word.What a great truth! We want to be successful, so we work hard and crack many difficult questions.But we never think to conquer ourselves! Maybe that is the real reason that we have to face all kinds of failure.Maybe that is the real we hesitate to enter a contest even we have the special willing to do it.
In fact, the questions we are facing are not the most difficult, the nost difficult question is ourselves.Our laziness, our lack of confident, our lack of single-mainded determination.We fear to fail, we fear to be looked down upon, we fear to be laughted at, and so on. All of these are the real enemy in our life.
We must wake up. We must have the courage to breakthrough and conquer ourselves.We are always stonger than we think, but because of lacking of confidence, we dare not to achieve our dreams. We should remember to stand tall and never lose confidence. Because I kown, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. If you are donging your best, there is absolutely no need to worry about failure.
I want to change myself. I want to change my life. Iwant to have a confident smile to every single day. So I need to chanllenge myself. I need to crack all the bad habbits in my body. And also, I must truly believe that I can do it. I must truly believe that I can be a successful boy. I must truly believe that I can be a successful person.
Remember, if you want to try, try it; if you want to do, never hesitate, just do it!
OK, so much for this speech. Thank you, thank you very much for your listening. Have a good day!

热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 15:06

  Good morning, ladies and gentlemen.
  Today is a good day, and now is special occasion. Thank you so much for giving me this wonderful opportunity.I consider it a great honor to stand here to give a little speech.My tile is the real enemy in our life is ourselves.
  In our China, there goes a saying that if someone can't swep a house by himself, then he can't conquer the word.What a great truth! We want to be successful, so we work hard and crack many difficult questions.But we never think to conquer ourselves! Maybe that is the real reason that we have to face all kinds of failure.Maybe that is the real we hesitate to enter a contest even we have the special willing to do it.
  In fact, the questions we are facing are not the most difficult, the nost difficult question is ourselves.Our laziness, our lack of confident, our lack of single-mainded determination.We fear to fail, we fear to be looked down upon, we fear to be laughted at, and so on. All of these are the real enemy in our life.
  We must wake up. We must have the courage to breakthrough and conquer ourselves.We are always stonger than we think, but because of lacking of confidence, we dare not to achieve our dreams. We should remember to stand tall and never lose confidence. Because I kown, confidence in yourself is the first step on the road to success. If you are donging your best, there is absolutely no need to worry about failure.
  I want to change myself. I want to change my life. Iwant to have a confident smile to every single day. So I need to chanllenge myself. I need to crack all the bad habbits in my body. And also, I must truly believe that I can do it. I must truly believe that I can be a successful boy. I must truly believe that I can be a successful person.
  Remember, if you want to try, try it; if you want to do, never hesitate, just do it!
  OK, so much for this speech. Thank you, thank you very much for your listening. Have a good day!


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 15:07


热心网友 时间:2023-10-22 15:07

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